冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第454期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(10)(在线收听

   A round scarred face and a stubble of dark beard showed under his steel cap, and he wore mail over boiled leather, and a dirk and shortsword at his belt.  在他的钢头盔下,是张带伤疤的圆脸,还有撮短须。他穿着硬皮衣,外罩盔甲,腰间则系了一把匕首和一柄短剑。

  It seemed to Arya there was something oddly familiar about him. 艾莉亚觉得他有种古怪的熟悉感。
  If one Hand can die, why not a second? replied the man with the accent and the forked yellow beard.  既然死了一个首相,为什么不能死第二个?说话带着口音,长着一撮黄色八字胡的人回答。
  You have danced the dance before, my friend.  我的好友啊,你从前不就跳过这种舞?
  He was no one Arya had ever seen before, she was certain of it. Grossly fat, yet he seemed to walk lightly, carrying his weight on the balls of his feet as a water dancer might.  艾莉亚以前没见过他,这点她很确定。他虽然臃肿不堪,却步履轻盈,重心放在脚跟,走起路来像个水舞者该有的样子。
  His rings glimmered in the torchlight, red-gold and pale silver, crusted with rubies, sapphires, slitted yellow tiger eyes.  他的戒指在火光下熠熠发光,有红金、白银、镶了红宝石、蓝宝石,其中更有黄纹的老虎眼。
  Every finger wore a ring; some had two. 每根指头都戴有戒指,有些还戴了两颗。
  Before is not now, and this Hand is not the other, the scarred man said as they stepped out into the hall.  从前不比现在,如今的首相也不一样。脸上有疤的人边说边和同伴一起走进房间。
  Still as stone, Arya told herself, quiet as a shadow. Blinded by the blaze of their own torch, they did not see her pressed flat against the stone, only a few feet away. 不动如石,艾莉亚告诉自己,静如影。眩目于自己带来的火光,他们没看到她平平地贴紧石头,离他们仅数尺之遥。
  Perhaps so, the forked beard replied, pausing to catch his breath after the long climb. Nonetheless, we must have time.  或许吧,八字胡男子回答,刚爬了这大段路,这时他停下来喘口气。但无论如何,我们需要更多时间。
  The princess is with child. The khal will not bestir himself until his son is born. You know how they are, these savages. 公主已有了身孕,在儿子诞生之前,卡奥是不会出兵的。你也清楚这些野蛮人,知道他们什么德行。