冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第455期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(11)(在线收听

   The man with the torch pushed at something. Arya heard a deep rumbling.  拿火把的人推了推什么东西,艾莉亚听见一阵低沉的轰隆声。

  A huge slab of rock, red in the torchlight, slid down out of the ceiling with a resounding crash that almost made her cry out.  接着,一片巨大的石板从井口缓缓滑出,在火光照耀下成了艳红,它在室内发出隆隆巨响,差点害她叫出声来。
  Where the entry to the well had been was nothing but stone, solid and unbroken. 等到声音平复,刚才井口所在的位置,只有一片平滑坚硬、毫无裂缝的石头。
  If he does not bestir himself soon, it may be too late, the stout man in the steel cap said.  若他不赶紧出兵,恐怕就来不及了。戴着钢盔的粗胖男子说,
  This is no longer a game for two players, if ever it was.  这已经不再是一场两人对弈的游戏了—如果以前可以称得上是的话。
  Stannis Baratheon and Lysa Arryn have fled beyond my reach, and the whispers say they are gathering swords around them.  史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩和莱莎·艾林已逃离我的掌握范围,根据回报,他们正在囤积兵力。
  The Knight of Flowers writes Highgarden, urging his lord father to send his sister to court.  百花骑士写信回高庭,力劝他公爵老爸送他妹妹入宫。
  The girl is a maid of fourteen, sweet and beautiful and tractable, and Lord Renly and Ser Loras intend that Robert should bed her, wed her, and make a new queen. 她是个十四岁的的黄花闺女,既漂亮又听话,蓝礼大人和洛拉斯爵士打算让劳勃上她,然后娶她,另立新后。
  Littlefinger...the gods only know what game Littlefinger is playing. Yet Lord Stark's the one who troubles my sleep.  至于小指头…天上诸神才知道小指头在玩什么把戏。但尤其让我坐立难安的却是史塔克大人。
  He has the bastard, he has the book, and soon enough he'll have the truth. And now his wife has abducted Tyrion Lannister, thanks to Littlefinger's meddling.  他找到了那个私生子,也拿到了那本书,迟早会猜出端倪。现在的情况倒该感谢小指头搅局,他太太绑架了提利昂·兰尼斯特,他必将无暇多顾。
  Lord Tywin will take that for an outrage, and Jaime has a queer affection for the Imp.  然而泰温公爵绝咽不下这口气,詹姆又对小恶魔怀有古怪的感情。