冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第457期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(13)(在线收听

   If the Lannisters move north, that will bring the Tullys in as well. Delay, you say.  若是兰尼斯特对北方用兵,那么徒利家也将被牵扯进来。你叫我拖一拖,

  Make haste, I reply. Even the finest of jugglers cannot keep a hundred balls in the air forever. 我却要叫你加快行动啊。就算最厉害的杂耍戏子也没法永远把一百颗球抛在空中呐。
  You are more than a juggler, old friend. You are a true sorcerer. All I ask is that you work your magic awhile longer.  老朋友,你可不只是杂耍戏子,你是个真正的魔术师。我不过请你多变一会儿戏法罢了。
  They started down the hall in the direction Arya had come, past the room with the monsters. 他们朝艾莉亚来时的方向走去,穿过充满怪兽的房间。
  What I can do, I will, the one with the torch said softly. I must have gold, and another fifty birds. 只要我能做的,我都会去做。拿火把的人轻声说,但我需要经费,还要五十只鸟儿。
  She let them get a long way ahead, then went creeping after them. Quiet as a shadow. 她等他们走远后才偷偷跟在后面。静如影。
  So many? The voices were fainter as the light dwindled ahead of her. The ones you need are hard to find...so young, to know their letters...perhaps older...not die so easy. 要那么多?前方光线渐暗,声音也愈见微弱。你要的这种可不好找……既要年轻,又要识字…如果年纪稍大一点…不那么容易送命…
  No. The younger are safer...treat them gently. 不,年轻的比较安全…对他们好一点…
  if they kept their tongues.the risk. 如果他们保住口舌…冒风险…
  Long after their voices had faded away, Arya could still see the light of the torch, a smoking star that bid her follow.  声音淡去后许久,艾莉亚依然能看见火把的光亮,如一颗冒烟的星星,吸引她跟随。
  Twice it seemed to disappear, but she kept on straight, and both times she found herself at the top of steep, narrow stairs, the torch glimmering far below her.  有两次,它几乎失去了踪影,但她一径向前,两次都发现自己走到险陡窄梯的顶端,火把的光芒则在遥远的下方。
  She hurried after it, down and down. Once she stumbled over a rock and fell against the wall,  她急忙追赶,不断向下。中途她曾踢到石头,失足撞上墙壁,
  and her hand found raw earth supported by timbers, whereas before the tunnel had been dressed stone. 手指所触却是粗糙的泥土,由木材所支撑,并非先前的石造甬道。