冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第459期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(15)(在线收听

   I'm not a beggar, she said. I live here. 我不是乞丐,她说:我住这里。

  I said, off with you. Do you need a clout on the ear to help your hearing? 我说快滚。还是要赏你两个耳刮子才听得懂?
  I want to see my father. 我要找我父亲。
  The guards exchanged a glance. I want to fuck the queen myself, for all the good it does me, the younger one said. 两个守卫交换了眼神。我还要搞王后咧。年轻的那个说。
  The older scowled. Who's this father of yours, boy, the city ratcatcher? 比较老的那个皱眉道:小子,你老爸是谁?抓老鼠的么?
  The Hand of the King, Arya told him. 他是御前首相。艾莉亚告诉他们。
  Both men laughed, but then the older one swung his fist at her, casually, as a man would swat a dog. Arya saw the blow coming even before it began.  两人哈哈大笑,紧接着老的那个一拳挥来,随随便便,像人欺负狗一样。艾莉亚早在他动手前便看清了,
  She danced back out of the way, untouched. I'm not a boy, she spat at them.  她往后轻轻退开,毫发未损。我不是小子,她朝他们吐口水,
  I'm Arya Stark of Winterfell, and if you lay a hand on me my lord father will have both your heads on spikes.  我是临冬城的艾莉亚·史塔克,你要是敢碰我,我老爸会把你们两个的头砍下来挂在枪上。
  If you don't believe me, fetch Jory Cassel or Vayon Poole from the Tower of the Hand. She put her hands on her hips.  如果你们不相信我,就去首相塔找乔里·凯索和维扬·普尔问问。她把小手背在身后。
  Now are you going to open the gate, or do you need a clout on the ear to help your hearing? 你们是开门,还是要赏两个耳刮子才听得懂?
  Her father was alone in the solar when Harwin and Fat Tom marched her in, an oil lamp glowing softly at his elbow.  哈尔温和胖汤姆把她送回去时,父亲正独自一人坐在书房,肘边一盏油灯发出柔亮的光。
  He was bent over the biggest book Arya had ever seen, a great thick tome with cracked yellow pages of crabbed script, bound between faded leather covers,  他弯身读着艾莉亚生平所见最大的一本书,这本厚重的书有着破烂的泛黄书页,上面密密麻麻写满了字,封皮则是褪色的皮革。
  but he closed it to listen to Harwin's report. His face was stern as he sent the men away with thanks. 他一脸严肃地向手下道谢,并把他们送走。