冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第462期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(18)(在线收听

   My door is always open to the Night's Watch, Father said. 我家的门永远为守夜人而开。父亲说。

  Desmond ushered the man inside. He was stooped and ugly, with an unkempt beard and unwashed clothes, yet Father greeted him pleasantly and asked his name. 戴斯蒙请那人进来。他驼着背,长相奇丑,一把未经修整的杂乱胡子,衣服也像是很久没洗了,但父亲依旧很愉快地问候他,并询问他的姓名。
  Yoren, as it please m'lord. My pardons for the hour. He bowed to Arya. And this must be your son. He has your look. 老爷,我叫尤伦。这么晚来打扰,真对不住。他向艾莉亚鞠躬。这一定是您的公子,长得跟您真像。
  I'm a girl, Arya said, exasperated. If the old man was down from the Wall, he must have come by way of Winterfell.  我是女孩。艾莉亚气急败坏地说。假如这老头是从长城来的,那他一定会经过临冬城。
  Do you know my brothers? she asked excitedly. Robb and Bran are at Winterfell, and Jon's on the Wall.  你认识我哥哥和弟弟吗?她兴奋地问,罗柏和布兰在临冬城,琼恩在长城。
  Jon Snow, he's in the Night's Watch too, you must know him, he has a direwolf, a white one with red eyes.  琼恩·雪诺,他也是守夜人,你一定认识的,他有只冰原狼,白色的毛,红色的眼睛。
  Is Jon a ranger yet? I'm Arya Stark. The old man in his smelly black clothes was looking at her oddly, but Arya could not seem to stop talking.  琼恩当上游骑兵了吗?穿臭衣服的老人一直用古怪的眼神看着她,但艾莉亚停不下来。
  When you ride back to the Wall, would you bring Jon a letter if I wrote one? She wished Jon were here right now.  如果我写封信,你回长城去的时候,可不可以帮我带给琼恩?她好希望琼恩此刻就在这里,
  He'd believe her about the dungeons and the fat man with the forked beard and the wizard in the steel cap. 他一定会相信她的,不管是地城、长八字胡的胖子,还是戴钢盔的巫师。
  My daughter often forgets her courtesies, Eddard Stark said with a faint smile that softened his words. I beg your forgiveness, Yoren. Did my brother Benjen send you? 小女时常忘记应有的礼数,艾德·史塔克道。他挂着一抹淡淡的微笑,舒缓了他的口气。尤伦,还请你见谅。是我弟弟班扬派你来的么?
  No one sent me, m'lord, saving old Mormont.  大人,派我来的不是别人,是老莫尔蒙。
  I'm here to find men for the Wall, and when Robert next holds court, I'll bend the knee and cry our need, see if the king and his Hand have some scum in the dungeons they'd be well rid of.  我是来寻找把守长城的人手,等下次劳勃上朝,我就要去卑躬屈膝,跟他说明我们的需要,看看国王和他的首相在他们的地牢里有没有想处理掉的人渣。