冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第463期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(19)(在线收听

   You might say as Benjen Stark is why we're talking, though. His blood ran black. Made him my brother as much as yours.  不过我赶来这儿跟他也有关系。他是黑衫军的一员,我和您一样把他当成兄弟。

  It's for his sake I'm come. Rode hard, I did, near killed my horse the way I drove her, but I left the others well behind. 我正是为了他才飞速赶来,拼了老命,差点把我的马都给累死了,好在也把其他人甩在后面。
  The others? 其他人?
  Yoren spat. Sellswords and freeriders and like trash. That inn was full o' them, and I saw them take the scent.  尤伦吐了口口水。还不就是流浪武士、自由骑手这路货色。整间旅店都是这号人,我看他们是嗅到了好味道。
  The scent of blood or the scent of gold, they smell the same in the end.  血和黄金的味道,这类人到死都追逐不放。
  Not all o' them made for King's Landing, either.  他们没有都往君临来,
  Some went galloping for Casterly Rock, and the Rock lies closer. Lord Tywin will have gotten the word by now, you can count on it. 有些朝凯岩城冲去,而凯岩城比较近,可以想见,如今泰温大人肯定得到了消息。
  Father frowned. What word is this? 父亲皱眉。什么消息?
  Yoren eyed Arya. One best spoken in private, m'lord, begging your pardons. 尤伦看了艾莉亚一眼。大人,请您原谅,这事咱们最好私下谈。
  As you say. Desmond, see my daughter to her chambers. He kissed her on the brow. We'll finish our talk on the morrow. 好吧,戴斯蒙,带我女儿回房。他吻了她的额头。我们明天再把话说完。
  Arya stood rooted to the spot. Nothing bad's happened to Jon, has it? she asked Yoren. Or Uncle Benjen? 艾莉亚脚像生了根似地赖在原地。琼恩没事吧?她问尤伦,班扬叔叔呢?
  Well, as to Stark, I can't say. The Snow boy was well enough when I left the Wall. It's not them as concerns me. 唉,史塔克他怎么样我说不准,不过我从长城出发时,雪诺那小子倒是活得挺自在。我要说的不是他们的事。
  Desmond took her hand. Come along, milady. You heard your lord father. 戴斯蒙拉起她的手。小姐,我们走罢,您也听见您父亲的吩咐了。