冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第464期:第二十七章 艾德(1(在线收听

   Arya had no choice but to go with him, wishing it had been Fat Tom.  艾莉亚别无选择,只好跟他走,心里好希望他变成胖汤姆。

  With Tom, she might have been able to linger at the door on some excuse and hear what Yoren was saying, but Desmond was too single-minded to trick.  如果是汤姆,她或许就可以找借口在门口多逗留一会儿,然后偷听尤伦要说什么,可戴斯蒙脑筋太直,骗不过的。
  How many guards does my father have? she asked him as they descended to her bedchamber. 我爸爸有多少守卫?他们走下楼梯,去她卧房时,她问他。
  Here at King's Landing? Fifty. 在君临这儿吗?有五十个。
  You wouldn't let anyone kill him, would you? she asked. 你不会让别人有机会杀他,对不对?她问。
  Desmond laughed. No fear on that count, little lady. Lord Eddard's guarded night and day. He'll come to no harm. 戴斯蒙笑道:小姐您别担心,艾德大人他日夜都有人守着,谁也动不了他的。
  The Lannisters have more than fifty men, Arya pointed out. 可兰尼斯特家的人不只五十个。艾莉亚指出。
  So they do, but every northerner is worth ten of these southron swords, so you can sleep easy. 多是多,可咱北方人一个人抵得上南方人十个,所以你就安心地睡吧。
  What if a wizard was sent to kill him? 如果他们叫巫师来杀他呢?
  Well, as to that, Desmond replied, drawing his longsword, wizards die the same as other men, once you cut their heads off. 唉,这个嘛,戴斯蒙边说边抽出长剑。只要砍掉脑袋,巫师一样会没命。
  Robert, I beg of you, Ned pleaded, hear what you are saying. You are talking of murdering a child. 劳勃,求求你,奈德恳求,请你仔细想清楚,你这是谋害幼儿啊!
  The whore is pregnant! The king's fist slammed down on the council table loud as a thunderclap.  那贱货怀孕了!国王重重一拳捶在议事桌上,声响如雷。
  I warned you this would happen, Ned. Back in the barrowlands, I warned you, but you did not care to hear it.  奈德,这事我早警告过你,记得吗?还在荒冢地的时候我就说过,可你不肯听。
  Well, you'll hear it now. I want them dead, mother and child both, and that fool Viserys as well. Is that plain enough for you? I want them dead. 那好,现在你给我听清楚:我要他们死,母子两个一起死,外加那个笨蛋韦赛里斯。这样说够明白了吧?我要他们死。