冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第471期:第二十七章 艾德(8)(在线收听

   Ned bowed, and turned on his heel without another word. He could feel Robert's eyes on his back.  奈德鞠躬,然后一言不发地离开。他感觉得到劳勃的目光看着自己的背。

  As he strode from the council chambers, the discussion resumed with scarcely a pause. On Braavos there is a society called the Faceless Men, Grand Maester Pycelle offered. 他还没走出议事厅,讨论便继续进行。听说布拉佛斯有个叫'无面者'的组织。派席尔大学士提议。
  Do you have any idea how costly they are? Littlefinger complained. You could hire an army of common sellswords for half the price, and that's for a merchant.  你到底知不知道他们的行情?小指头抱怨:光半价就够你雇一支寻常佣兵组成的军队,而且行刺对象只是寻常商人。
  I don't dare think what they might ask for a princess. 暗杀公主要花多少,我连想都不敢想。
  The closing of the door behind him silenced the voices. Ser Boros Blount was stationed outside the chamber, wearing the long white cloak and armor of the Kingsguard.  门在他身后关上,隔绝了声音。柏洛斯·布劳恩爵士守在议事厅外,穿着御林铁卫的纯白长披风和铠甲。
  He gave Ned a quick, curious glance from the corner of his eye, but asked no questions. 他用眼角飞快又狐疑地瞄了奈德一眼,但没有多问。
  The day felt heavy and oppressive as he crossed the bailey back to the Tower of the Hand.  天色阴沉而压抑,奈德穿过城堡外庭,回到首相塔。
  He could feel the threat of rain in the air. Ned would have welcomed it. It might have made him feel a trifle less unclean.  他感觉得出空气中弥漫湿意,仿佛山雨欲来,若真下起雨,他倒会很高兴,或许一场雨,会让他稍稍觉得自己不那么污秽。
  When he reached his solar, he summoned Vayon Poole. The steward came at once. You sent for me, my lord Hand? 他进了书房,传维扬·普尔过去。总管立刻赶来。首相大人,您有何吩咐?
  Hand no longer, Ned told him. The king and I have quarreled. We shall be returning to Winterfell. 我已经不是首相了。奈德告诉他,我跟国王吵了一架。我们准备回临冬城。
  I shall begin making arrangements at once, my lord. We will need a fortnight to ready everything for the journey. 那我这就去准备,老爷。我们需要两个星期的时间安排旅途。