冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第473期:第二十七章 艾德(10)(在线收听

   And yet, the thought of leaving angered him as well. So much was still undone.  可另一方面,想到离开却又叫他恼怒。好多事都还未完成。

  Robert and his council of cravens and flatterers would beggar the realm if left unchecked...or, worse, sell it to the Lannisters in payment of their loans.  若不加以管束,劳勃和他满朝的懦夫和马屁精会闹得民穷国枯……甚至可能为了还债,把国家都卖给兰尼斯特。
  And the truth of Jon Arryn's death still eluded him.  至于琼恩·艾林的死亡之谜,则始终困扰着他。
  Oh, he had found a few pieces, enough to convince him that Jon had indeed been murdered, but that was no more than the spoor of an animal on the forest floor.  噢,他的确找到些线索,足以让他相信琼恩确是遭人谋害,但那不过是林中野兽留下的一鳞半爪。
  He had not sighted the beast itself yet, though he sensed it was there, lurking, hidden, treacherous. 他还未亲眼目睹野兽本身,然而他感觉得到,它就在那里,潜伏、躲藏、狡诈。
  It struck him suddenly that he might return to Winterfell by sea.  他突然想到,或许自己应该走海路回临冬城。
  Ned was no sailor, and ordinarily would have preferred the kingsroad, but if he took ship he could stop at Dragonstone and speak with Stannis Baratheon.  奈德不谙水性,正常状况下宁可走国王大道,但他若是乘船,则可在龙石岛停靠,和史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩谈谈。
  Pycelle had sent a raven off across the water, with a polite letter from Ned requesting Lord Stannis to return to his seat on the small council.  派席尔已经送了只乌鸦飞越狭海,带上奈德的一封信,信中礼貌地请求史坦尼斯公爵回到朝中奉职,却至今没有回音。
  As yet, there had been no reply, but the silence only deepened his suspicions. Lord Stannis shared the secret Jon Arryn had died for, he was certain of it.  对方的沉默只加深了他的怀疑。史坦尼斯一定知道琼恩·艾林何以丧命的秘密,这点他很确定。
  The truth he sought might very well be waiting for him on the ancient island fortress of House Targaryen. 他所冀求的事实真相,很可能就在坦格利安家族的古老岛屿要塞里等着他。
  And when you have it, what then? Some secrets are safer kept hidden. Some secrets are too dangerous to share, even with those you love and trust.  就算你查出真相,又能怎么样呢?有些秘密最好永远埋藏,有些秘密太危险,不能与他人分享,即便是那些你所深爱和相信的人。