冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第475期:第二十七章 艾德(12)(在线收听

   I won't detain you long, I'm on my way to dine with Lady Tanda. Lamprey pie and roast suckling pig.  我不会打扰您太久的,我正要去参加坦妲伯爵夫人安排的晚餐,这是碰巧路过。

  She has some thought to wed me to her younger daughter, so her table is always astonishing.  七鳃鳗派和烤乳猪。她有意把小女儿嫁给我,所以桌上的菜总是很出彩。
  If truth be told, I'd sooner marry the pig, but don't tell her. I do love lamprey pie. 不过说实话,我还宁愿娶头猪。噢,这事可别告诉她,我可是真心喜欢鳗鱼派哪。
  Don't let me keep you from your eels, my lord, Ned said with icy disdain. At the moment, I cannot think of anyone whose company I desire less than yours. 大人,那就别让我耽误了你的鳗鱼美食。奈德带着冷冷的嫌恶道,此时此刻,我想不出还有谁更让我不愿与之为伍。
  Oh, I'm certain if you put your mind to it, you could come up with a few names. Varys, say. Cersei.  噢,我相信你只要努力想,一定可以想出几个。比方说,瓦里斯,瑟曦,或是劳勃。
  Or Robert. His Grace is most wroth with you. He went on about you at some length after you took your leave of us this morning. 陛下他很生你的气,今早上你走之后,他还接着骂了一通。
  The words insolence and ingratitude came into it frequently, I seem to recall. 倘若我没记错的话,他的话中反复出现傲慢无礼、忘恩负义这些字眼哟。
  Ned did not honor that with a reply. Nor did he offer his guest a seat, but Littlefinger took one anyway.  奈德根本不屑回答,也不打算请来客落座。不过小指头倒是大咧咧地主动坐了下来。
  After you stormed out, it was left to me to convince them not to hire the Faceless Men, he continued blithely.  在你发完脾气后,就只剩下我来打消他们雇用无面者的念头。
  Instead Varys will quietly let it be known that we'll make a lord of whoever does in the Targaryen girl. 他开心地续道,还好收回了成命,只是让瓦里斯悄悄放出消息,谁做掉坦格利安家那女孩,我们就封谁当贵族。