冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第476期:第二十七章 艾德(13)(在线收听

   Ned was disgusted. So now we grant titles to assassins. 奈德觉得恶心透顶。所以我们要让刺客当贵族了。

  Littlefinger shrugged. Titles are cheap. The Faceless Men are expensive. If truth be told, I did the Targaryen girl more good than you with all your talk of honor.  小指头耸耸肩。反正封号挺便宜,无面者却花消不起。说实话,比起你满嘴仁义道德,我帮坦格利安家那女孩的忙是不是还要大些?
  Let some sellsword drunk on visions of lordship try to kill her. Likely he'll make a botch of it, and afterward the Dothraki will be on their guard.  就让哪个满脑子贵族梦的佣兵喝醉酒去杀杀看吧,八成会失手,往后多斯拉克人定会多加提防。
  If we'd sent a Faceless Man after her, she'd be as good as buried. 假如我们派去的是无面者,那他们就只能收尸了。
  Ned frowned. You sit in council and talk of ugly women and steel kisses, and now you expect me to believe that you tried to protect the girl? How big a fool do you take me for? 奈德皱眉。我可没忘,你在会议上说到丑女和'亲吻',到现在你反过来指望我相信你是在想办法保护那女孩?你把我当大白痴了?
  Well, quite an enormous one, actually, said Littlefinger, laughing. 这个嘛,事实上,你是个笨透了的大白痴。小指头笑道。
  Do you always find murder so amusing, Lord Baelish? 贝里席大人,敢问你觉得谋杀之事如此有趣?
  It's not murder I find amusing, Lord Stark, it's you. You rule like a man dancing on rotten ice.  史塔克大人,我觉得有趣的不是谋杀,而是你。你办起事来还真是如履薄冰,
  I dare say you will make a noble splash. I believe I heard the first crack this morning. 我敢说你总有一天会啪啦一声摔下去的。我相信今儿早上我已经听到第一次开裂的声音啦。
  The first and last, said Ned. I've had my fill. 这是第一次,也是最后一次。奈德道,我受够了。
  When do you mean to return to Winterfell, my lord? 大人,请问您打算什么时候回临冬城啊?
  As soon as I can. What concern is that of yours? 越快越好。此事与你何干?
  None.but if perchance you're still here come evenfall, I'd be pleased to take you to this brothel your man Jory has been searching for so ineffectually.  我不会打扰您太久的,我正要去参加坦妲伯爵夫人安排的晚餐,这是碰巧路过。七鳃鳗派和烤乳猪。她有意把小女儿嫁给我,所以桌上的菜总是很出彩。