冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第477期:第二十七章 艾德(14)(在线收听

   Littlefinger smiled. And I won't even tell the Lady Catelyn. 小指头微笑,这件事我连凯特琳也不会说。

  My lady, you should have sent word of your coming, Ser Donnel Waynwood told her as their horses climbed the pass.  夫人,您应该先捎个信来,他们骑马爬上山口,唐纳尔·韦伍德爵士对她说,那样的话,我们就可以派人护送。
  We would have sent an escort. The high road is not as safe as it once was, for a party as small as yours. 这年头山路的安全不比从前,更何况您只带了这么点人。
  We learned that to our sorrow, Ser Donnel, Catelyn said. Sometimes she felt as though her heart had turned to stone;  唐纳尔爵士,我们的确是尝到了惨痛的教训。凯特琳道。有时候她觉得自己铁石心肠。
  six brave men had died to bring her this far, and she could not even find it in her to weep for them. Even their names were fading. The clansmen harried us day and night.  六个英勇的人牺牲了性命,她才能走到这里,然而她却连为他们掬一把泪都做不到。就连他们的名姓,也越来越模糊。
  We lost three men in the first attack, and two more in the second, and Lannister's serving man died of a fever when his wounds festered.  原住民日夜骚扰,我们第一次损失了三个人,后来又死了两个,兰尼斯特的仆人伤口溃烂,死于高烧。
  When we heard your men approaching, I thought us doomed for certain. They had drawn up for a last desperate fight, blades in hand and backs to the rock.  听到你手下接近的声音时,我本以为我们完蛋了。他们决定孤注一掷,手握武器,背靠岩壁。
  The dwarf had been whetting the edge of his axe and making some mordant jest when Bronn spotted the banner the riders carried before them, the moon-and-falcon of House Arryn, sky-blue and white.  侏儒当时一边磨斧头,一边开着语气辛辣的玩笑,这时波隆首先看到来者高举的旗帜,正是艾林家族的蓝底白色新月猎鹰标志。
  Catelyn had never seen a more welcome sight. 对凯特琳而言,再也没有比这更受她欢迎的东西了。
  The clans have grown bolder since Lord Jon died, Ser Donnel said. He was a stocky youth of twenty years, earnest and homely, with a wide nose and a shock of thick brown hair.  琼恩大人死后,这些原住民越来越胆大包天。唐纳尔爵士道。他是个二十岁的年轻人,体格健壮,长相虽丑但待人诚恳,生了一个宽鼻和一头散乱的棕色粗发。
  If it were up to me, I would take a hundred men into the mountains, root them out of their fastnesses, and teach them some sharp lessons, but your sister has forbidden it.  若是交给我办,我会带上一百精兵深入山区,把他们从窝里赶出来,好好教训一顿,可您妹妹不准。
  She would not even permit her knights to fight in the Hand's tourney. She wants all our swords kept close to home, to defend the Vale against what, no one is certain.  她连放手下骑士参加首相的比武大会都不准。说是要把所有的兵力都留在这儿,守护艾林谷…可谁也不清楚到底是要防备谁。
  Shadows, some say. He looked at her anxiously, as if he had suddenly remembered who she was. I hope I have not spoken out of turn, my lady. I meant no offense. 有人说这是在捕风捉影。他不安地看着她,仿佛突然想起她的身份。夫人,希望我没说错话。我没有冒犯您的意思。