冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第479期:第二十七章 艾德(16)(在线收听

   Ser Donnel hesitated before he answered. The Lady Lysa has commanded the maester to remain at the Eyrie at all times, to care for Lord Robert, he said.  唐纳尔爵士迟疑半晌才回答。莱莎夫人下令要学士留在鹰巢城,以便随时照顾劳勃少主。

  We have a septon at the gate who tends to our wounded. He can see to your man's hurts. 他说,不过我们血门要塞有个修士负责处理伤患,他可以替您手下疗伤。
  Catelyn had more faith in a maester's learning than a septon's prayers.  相较于修士的祈祷,凯特琳对学士的医疗知识要有信心得多。
  She was about to say as much when she saw the battlements ahead, long parapets built into the very stone of the mountains on either side of them.  她正准备说出心中想法,防御工事便已在前方出现。迤长的城垛建筑在两边危崖上,
  Where the pass shrank to a narrow defile scarce wide enough for four men to ride abreast, twin watchtowers clung to the rocky slopes, joined by a covered bridge of weathered grey stone that arched above the road.  山路收缩到勉强只容四人并肩骑行,两座瞭望塔攀附于岩壁之上,彼此以一弯饱经风霜的灰石密闭拱桥相连。
  Silent faces watched from arrow slits in tower, battlements, and bridge.  沉默的脸庞从塔中的射箭孔、城垛和石桥间注视着他们。
  When they had climbed almost to the top, a knight rode out to meet them.  快到顶端时,一名骑士骑马过来迎接。
  His horse and his armor were grey, but his cloak was the rippling blue-and-red of Riverrun, and a shiny black fish, wrought in gold and obsidian, pinned its folds against his shoulder. Who would pass the Bloody Gate? he called. 他的坐骑和铠甲都是灰色,但披风却是奔流城抖擞的蓝红相间图案,一尾用黄金和黑曜石精工打造、闪闪发光的黑鱼镶在他肩头。是谁要通过血门?他喊道。
  Ser Donnel Waynwood, with the Lady Catelyn Stark and her companions, the young knight answered. 唐纳尔·韦伍德爵士,以及凯特琳夫人和她的同伴。年轻骑士回答。
  The Knight of the Gate lifted his visor. I thought the lady looked familiar. You are far from home, little Cat. 血门骑士揭开面罩。我就觉得眼前这位夫人面熟。小凯特,你离家可真远啊。
  And you, Uncle, she said, smiling despite all she had been through. Hearing that hoarse, smoky voice again took her back twenty years, to the days of her childhood. 叔叔,您不也是?虽然历经了一切苦难,她还是发自内心地微笑。听见那沙哑、如烟熏般的嗓音,仿佛时光倒流二十年,又把她带回到童年时光。