冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第480期:第二十七章 艾德(17)(在线收听

  My home is at my back, he said gruffly. 我的家就在这里。他粗鲁地说。

  Your home is in my heart, Catelyn told him. Take off your helm. I would look on your face again. 你的家在我心里。凯特琳告诉他,把头盔拿下来,我想再好好看你。

  The years have not improved it, I fear, Brynden Tully said, but when he lifted off the helm, Catelyn saw that he lied.  只怕过了这些年,还是没好看到哪里去。布林登·徒利虽然这么说,但当他揭起头盔时,凯特琳却认为他撒了谎。

  His features were lined and weathered, and time had stolen the auburn from his hair and left him only grey,  他的容貌虽然饱经风霜,岁月偷走了他的红褐头发,只留满头灰白,

  but the smile was the same, and the bushy eyebrows fat as caterpillars, and the laughter in his deep blue eyes. Did Lysa know you were coming? 但他的笑容依旧,肥如毛虫的浓眉依旧,深邃蓝眼中的笑意依旧。莱莎知道你要来吗?

  There was no time to send word ahead, Catelyn told him. The others were coming up behind her. I fear we ride before the storm, Uncle. 我们事先来不及通知。凯特琳告诉他。这时其他人也跟了上来。叔叔,只怕风暴在我身后穷追不舍。

  May we enter the Vale? Ser Donnel asked. The Waynwoods were ever ones for ceremony. 我们能进峡谷吗?唐纳尔爵士问。韦伍德家的人向来讲究礼仪。

  In the name of Robert Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, True Warden of the East,  以鹰巢城公爵、艾林谷守护者、真正的东境守护劳勃·艾林之名,

  I bid you enter freely, and charge you to keep his peace, Ser Brynden replied. Come. 我让你们通过,并要求你们以他之名维持和平。布林登爵士回答,走吧。

  And so she rode behind him, beneath the shadow of the Bloody Gate where a dozen armies had dashed themselves to pieces in the Age of Heroes.  于是她骑马跟在他身边,穿过血门的阴影。英雄纪元时期,无数兵马命丧于此,却依然无法攻克峡谷。

  On the far side of the stoneworks, the mountains opened up suddenly upon a vista of green fields, blue sky, and snowcapped mountains that took her breath away.  石砌工事彼端,峰峦骤然展开,绿野、蓝天和白雪皑皑的山尖骤然呈现,美得让她喘不过气。

  The Vale of Arryn bathed in the morning light. 此刻,艾林谷正沐浴在晨光之中。
