冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第481期:第二十七章 艾德(18)(在线收听

   It stretched before them to the misty cast, a tranquil land of rich black soil, wide slow-moving rivers, and hundreds of small lakes that shone like mirrors in the sun, protected on all sides by its sheltering peaks.  峡谷在他们面前绵延,直至氤氲弥漫的东方,这乃是一个祥和恬静的国度,四面受群山庇护,内中是肥沃的黑土,宽阔而舒缓的河川,还有在阳光下明亮如镜、数以百计的大小湖泊。

  Wheat and corn and barley grew high in its fields, and even in Highgarden the pumpkins were no larger nor the fruit any sweeter than here.  田野间大麦、小麦和玉米结实累累,就连高庭所生产的南瓜也不比这里硕大,水果更不及此地甜美。
  They stood at the western end of the valley, where the high road crested the last pass and began its winding descent to the bottomlands two miles below.  他们走进峡谷西端,通过最后一道山口后,道路便开始蜿蜒向下,直至足足两里高的山脚下。
  The Vale was narrow here, no more than a half day's ride across, and the northern mountains seemed so close that Catelyn could almost reach out and touch them.  此处峡谷甚窄,不需半日即可穿越,北边的山脉近在咫尺,凯特琳仿佛伸手可及。
  Looming over them all was the jagged peak called the Giant's Lance, a mountain that even mountains looked up to, its head lost in icy mists three and a half miles above the valley floor.  此地最高的山被称做巨人之枪,重重山脉都仰之弥高,它的山尖离地三里半,消失在冰冷的雾气之中。
  Over its massive western shoulder flowed the ghost torrent of Alyssa's Tears.  阿莱莎之泪幽魂般的激流自其高耸的西峦贯穿而下,
  Even from this distance, Catelyn could make out the shining silver thread, bright against the dark stone. 即使距离如此遥远,凯特琳也分辨得出那条闪亮的银丝带,与暗色的磐石对比鲜明。
  When her uncle saw that she had stopped, he moved his horse closer and pointed. “It's there, beside Alyssa's Tears.  叔叔看见她停了下来,便策马靠过来指给她看。就在那里,阿莱莎之泪旁边,
  All you can see from here is a flash of white every now and then, if you look hard and the sun hits the walls just right. 如果你看得够仔细,阳光又恰好照到城墙,就能见到闪现的白光。
  Seven towers, Ned had told her, like white daggers thrust into the belly of the sky, so high you can stand on the parapets and look down on the clouds.  七座高塔,奈德曾经告诉她,如纯白的匕首刺进苍天的肚腹,耸立云天,站在城垛上,云层都在你脚下。