冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第483期:第二十七章 艾德(20)(在线收听

   She liked that less well. Without Bronn she would never have reached the Vale, she knew; the sellsword was as fierce a fighter as she had ever seen, and his sword had helped cut them through to safety.  她更不喜欢他。要不是波隆,她绝不可能抵达艾林谷,这点她很清楚。这名佣兵是个极其剽悍的战士,他的剑为他们杀出一条血路。

  Yet for all that, Catelyn misliked the man.  即便如此,凯特琳还是不喜欢这人。
  Courage he had, and strength, but there was no kindness in him, and little loyalty.  他有勇气,力量也不缺,但他心里没有仁慈二字,更别说忠诚。
  And she had seen him riding beside Lannister far too often, talking in low voices and laughing at some private joke.  她时常看见他跟兰尼斯特骑行在一块儿,低语交谈,同声大笑。
  She would have preferred to separate him from the dwarf here and now, but having agreed that Marillion might continue to the Eyrie,  她原本打算当下就把他和侏儒隔离开,但既然答应让马瑞里安一起去鹰巢城,
  she could see no gracious way to deny that same right to Bronn. As you wish, she said, although she noted that he had not actually asked her permission. 她实在没有合适的理由拒绝他。随你的吧。她说,却也发现他根本就没请求她同意。
  Ser Willis Wode remained with Ser Rodrik, a soft-spoken septon fussing over their wounds.  维里·渥德爵士和罗德利克爵士留了下来,由一位说话轻声细语的修士照料他们的伤势。
  Their horses were left behind as well, poor ragged things.  他们那几匹憔悴不堪的马也被留下。
  Ser Donnel promised to send birds ahead to the Eyrie and the Gates of the Moon with the word of their coming.  唐纳尔爵士保证会先派鸟儿将他们到来的消息通知鹰巢城和月门堡。
  Fresh mounts were brought forth from the stables, surefooted mountain stock with shaggy coats, and within the hour they set forth once again.  有人从马厩里牵来精力充沛、鬃毛蓬松而熟悉山路的马,他们只歇息不到一个小时便又再度上路,朝下方的谷地平原出发,
  Catelyn rode beside her uncle as they began the descent to the valley floor. Behind came Bronn, Tyrion Lannister, Marillion, and six of Brynden's men. 凯特琳走在叔叔旁边,波隆、提利昂·兰尼斯特、马瑞里安以及布林登的六名手下跟随在后。
  Not until they were a third of the way down the mountain path, well out of earshot of the others, did Brynden Tully turn to her and say, So, child.  直到他们走过三分之一的下山路,远离其他人的听力范围之后,布林登·徒利方才转向她说:
  Tell me about this storm of yours. 好吧,孩子,告诉我这场风暴是怎么回事。