冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第484期:第二十七章 艾德(21)(在线收听

   I have not been a child in many years, Uncle, Catelyn said, but she told him nonetheless.  叔叔,我早不是小孩子了。凯特琳道。但她还是一五一十地告诉了他,

  It took longer than she would have believed to tell it all, Lysa's letter and Bran's fall, the assassin's dagger and Littlefinger and her chance meeting with Tyrion Lannister in the crossroads inn. 虽然花的时间远远超出预期。她从莱莎的信、布兰坠楼、刺客的匕首、小指头,一直讲到她在岔路旅店与提利昂·兰尼斯特的巧遇。
  Her uncle listened silently, heavy brows shadowing his eyes as his frown grew deeper. Brynden Tully had always known how to listen...to anyone but her father.  叔叔静静地听着,眉头越皱越深,浓厚的眉毛盖住了眼睛。布林登·徒利是个善于倾听的人…除非对象是她父亲。
  He was Lord Hoster's brother, younger by five years, but the two of them had been at war as far back as Catelyn could remember.  他是霍斯特公爵的弟弟,虽只相差五岁,但自凯特琳有记忆起,两人便已不和。
  During one of their louder quarrels, when Catelyn was eight, Lord Hoster had called Brynden the black goat of the Tully flock.  凯特琳八岁时兄弟俩一场大吵,霍斯特公爵指责布林登是徒利家的害群黑羊,
  Laughing, Brynden had pointed out that the sigil of their house was a leaping trout, so he ought to be a black fish rather than a black goat, and from that day forward he had taken it as his personal emblem. 但布林登笑着说他们家族的标志是跃出水面的鳟鱼,所以他应该是黑鱼,而非黑羊。从那天起,他便以此为纹章。
  The war had not ended until the day she and Lysa had been wed.  一直到她和莱莎出嫁那天,两人的纷争都没结束。
  It was at their wedding feast that Brynden told his brother he was leaving Riverrun to serve Lysa and her new husband, the Lord of the Eyrie.  布林登正是在婚宴上对他哥哥宣布自己要跟莱莎一起离开奔流城,去为她的新婚丈夫、鹰巢城公爵效命。
  Lord Hoster had not spoken his brother's name since, from what Edmure told her in his infrequent letters. 据艾德慕偶尔写给她的信中所言,从那之后,霍斯特公爵再没提过弟弟的名字。
  Nonetheless, during all those years of Catelyn's girlhood, it had been Brynden the Blackfish to whom Lord Hoster's children had run with their tears and their tales, when Father was too busy and Mother too ill.  虽然如此,在凯特琳的少女时代,每每父亲大人太忙,母亲大人又病得太重,霍斯特公爵的子女分享喜怒哀乐的对象,却是布林登叔叔。
  Catelyn, Lysa, Edmure...and yes, even Petyr Baelish, their father's ward...he had listened to them all patiently, as he listened now, laughing at their triumphs and sympathizing with their childish misfortunes. 不论凯特琳,莱莎,还是艾德慕……噢,对了,即便父亲的养子培提尔·贝里席…他都耐心十足地侧耳倾听,为他们获得的成功同声欢笑,对他们幼稚惹来的麻烦表示同情,一如此刻。