冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第485期:第二十七章 艾德(22)(在线收听

   When she was done, her uncle remained silent for a long time, as his horse negotiated the steep, rocky trail. Your father must be told, he said at last.  她说完之后,叔叔沉默了很长一段时间,他的坐骑沿着陡峭的岩径小心下山。这事一定要让你父亲知道,最后他说,

  If the Lannisters should march, Winterfell is remote and the Vale walled up behind its mountains, but Riverrun lies right in their path. 如果兰尼斯特真的出兵,临冬城距离遥远,艾林谷有崇山峻岭,但奔流城恰好在他们必经之路上。
  I'd had the same fear, Catelyn admitted. I shall ask Maester Colemon to send a bird when we reach the Eyrie.  这正是我担忧的,凯特琳坦承,等我们到了鹰巢城,我立刻请柯蒙学士派鸟儿捎信去。
  She had other messages to send as well; the commands that Ned had given her for his bannermen, to ready the defenses of the north. What is the mood in the Vale? she asked. 她还有别的消息要送,奈德交代她通知诸侯,命令他们准备防御北方。艾林谷里情势如何?
  Angry, Brynden Tully admitted. Lord Jon was much loved, and the insult was keenly felt when the king named Jaime Lannister to an office the Arryns had held for near three hundred years.  人人都义愤填膺,布林登·徒利说:琼恩大人深受爱戴,如今国王把一个近三百年来都由艾林家族继承的职位交给詹姆·兰尼斯特,大家都觉得深受侮辱。
  Lysa has commanded us to call her son the True Warden of the East, but no one is fooled.  莱莎命令我们称呼她儿子为真正的东境守护,但这骗不了人。
  Nor is your sister alone in wondering at the manner of the Hand's death.  至于首相大人的死因,也不只有你妹妹怀疑。
  None dare say Jon was murdered, not openly, but suspicion casts a long shadow.  当然,没人敢公开宣称琼恩是被谋害,可这却是个挥之不去的阴影。
  He gave Catelyn a look, his mouth tight. And there is the boy. 他看了凯特琳一眼,嘴巴一抿。还有那孩子的问题。
  The boy? What of him? She ducked her head as they passed under a low overhang of rock, and around a sharp turn. 那孩子?他怎么样?眼前是一块低垂的岩石,她低下头,之后他们转了个大弯。
  Her uncle's voice was troubled. Lord Robert, he sighed. Six years old, sickly, and prone to weep if you take his dolls away.  叔叔的口气忧心忡忡。劳勃公爵,他叹道,才六岁大,一天到晚生病,拿走他的玩偶他就哭。