冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第486期:第二十七章 艾德(23)(在线收听

   Jon Arryn's trueborn heir, by all the gods, yet there are some who say he is too weak to sit his father's seat, Nestor Royce has been high steward these past fourteen years, while Lord Jon served in King's Landing, and many whisper that he should rule until the boy comes of age.  他是琼恩·艾林的亲生儿子,有天上诸神为证,可有人传说他太过虚弱,无法继承父亲的宝座。过去十四年来琼恩大人都在君临任职,此间是由大总管奈斯特·罗伊斯负责,不少人据此认定应该由他来代理,直到那孩子长大为止。

  Others believe that Lysa must marry again, and soon. Already the suitors gather like crows on a battlefield. The Eyrie is full of them. 还有的人认为莱莎理应再婚,并且越快越好。如今鹰巢城内挤满了追求者,多得像战场上的乌鸦。
  I might have expected that, Catelyn said. Small wonder there; Lysa was still young, and the kingdom of Mountain and Vale made a handsome wedding gift.  我早该料到,凯特琳道。这消息不足为奇,莱莎还年轻,山谷王国更是一份最厚重的嫁妆。
  Will Lysa take another husband? 莱莎会再嫁吗?
  She says yes, provided she finds a man who suits her, Brynden Tully said, but she has already rejected Lord Nestor and a dozen other suitable men.  她同意,只要找到合适的人。布林登·徒利道,但她却拒绝了奈斯特大人和其他十来位追求者。
  She swears that this time she will choose her lord husband. 她对外发誓这次要由她来选择夫婿。
  You of all people can scarce fault her for that. 别人也就算了,至少你不该怪她。
  Ser Brynden snorted. Nor do I, but...it seems to me Lysa is only playing at courtship. She enjoys the sport. 布林登爵士哼了一声。我也没怪她,可……在我看来莱莎只是装模作样,她虽然很享受被人追求的爱情游戏。
  But I believe your sister intends to rule herself until her boy is old enough to be Lord of the Eyrie in truth as well as name. 但我相信你妹妹打算亲自主政,直到儿子长大,成为名副其实的鹰巢城公爵。
  A woman can rule as wisely as a man, Catelyn said. 女人跟男人一样可以英明统治。凯特琳说。
  The right woman can, her uncle said with a sideways glance. Make no mistake, Cat. Lysa is not you. He hesitated a moment.  合适的女人才可以。叔叔从旁扫了她一眼,凯特,别搞错了,莱莎可不是你。他迟疑了一会儿。
  If truth be told, I fear you may not find your sister as helpful as you would like. 真要说的话,我很怕你会发现你妹妹能帮得上的忙……没有想像中的多。