冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第487期:第二十七章 艾德(24)(在线收听

   She was puzzled. What do you mean? 她被搞糊涂了。你是什么意思?

  The Lysa who came back from King's Landing is not the same girl who went south when her husband was named Hand.  从君临回来的莱莎,和当初随被任命为首相的丈夫南下时的她,已经不是同一个人。这些年来她吃了不少苦头,你一定得知道。
  Those years were hard for her. You must know. Lord Arryn was a dutiful husband, but their marriage was made from politics, not passion. 艾林大人虽然是个忠实的好丈夫,但他们的婚姻是建立在政治而非感情之上。
  As was my own. 我的不也是?
  They began the same, but your ending has been happier than your sister's.  你们的婚姻出发点相同,但你的际遇比她好得多。
  Two babes stillborn, twice as many miscarriages, Lord Arryn's death...Catelyn, the gods gave Lysa only the one child, and he is all your sister lives for now, poor boy.  她有两个孩子生下来就没活成,经历了四次流产,加上艾林大人的死…凯特琳,诸神只给了莱莎一个孩子,如今她活着就是为了他。可怜的孩子。
  Small wonder she fled rather than see him handed over to the Lannisters.  难怪她宁可逃走,也不愿见到儿子交给兰尼斯特家抚养。
  Your sister is afraid, child, and the Lannisters are what she fears most.  孩子,你妹妹现在非常害怕,而她最怕的就是兰尼斯特。
  She ran to the Vale, stealing away from the Red Keep like a thief in the night, and all to snatch her son out of the lion's mouth... 她像个夜贼似的偷偷溜出红堡,跑回艾林谷,一切都是为了把儿子从狮口中抢救出来…
  and now you have brought the lion to her door. 结果这会儿你却把狮子带进了她家门。
  In chains, Catelyn said. A crevasse yawned on her right, falling away into darkness. She reined up her horse and picked her way along step by careful step. 我把他擒来的。凯特琳说。她右手边的山岩出现了一个裂缝,活像一张深不见底的黑暗大口,正张开打着哈欠。她勒紧马缰,小心翼翼地绕过去。
  Oh? Her uncle glanced back, to where Tyrion Lannister was making his slow descent behind them.  是吗?叔叔回头瞄了一眼,看看正在身后缓缓下山的提利昂·兰尼斯特。
  I see an axe on his saddle, a dirk at his belt, and a sellsword that trails after him like a hungry shadow. Where are the chains, sweet one? 我见他鞍挂斧头,腰插匕首,后面还有个如影随形的佣兵。亲爱的,你所谓的'擒'从何说起啊?
  Catelyn shifted uneasily in her seat. The dwarf is here, and not by choice. Chains or no, he is my prisoner.  凯特琳不安地动了动。反正侏儒人在这里,并且不是自愿。不管什么说法,总之他是我的犯人。
  Lysa will want him to answer for his crimes no less than I.  莱莎想叫他认罪的急切程度不会在我之下。
  It was her own lord husband the Lannisters murdered, and her own letter that first warned us against them. 兰尼斯特家谋害的不是别人,正是她的丈夫啊,当初写信警告我们的也是她。