冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第490期:第二十七章 艾德(27)(在线收听

   Tyrion Lannister glanced up doubtfully. And beyond that? 提利昂·兰尼斯特一脸狐疑地往上瞄。那接下来怎么办?

  Brynden smiled. Beyond that, the path is too steep even for mules. We ascend on foot the rest of the way.  布林登微笑道:在那之后,山路太险,连骡子也上不去。所以接下来我们步行上山,
  Or perchance you'd prefer to ride a basket.  或者你想搭篮子?
  The Eyrie clings to the mountain directly above Sky, and in its cellars are six great winches with long iron chains to draw supplies up from below.  鹰巢城在长天堡正上方的山顶,它的地窖里有六个挂铁链的大绞盘,负责拉补给。
  If you prefer, my lord of Lannister, I can arrange for you to ride up with the bread and beer and apples. 如果你愿意,兰尼斯特大人,我可以安排你跟面包、啤酒和苹果一起上去。
  The dwarf gave a bark of laughter. Would that I were a pumpkin, he said.  侏儒干笑一声。可惜我不是南瓜。他说,
  Alas, my lord father would no doubt be most chagrined if his son of Lannister went to his fate like a load of turnips.  哎,如果我老爸知道他儿子跟萝卜一样被拖上断头台,一定很不高兴。
  If you ascend on foot, I fear I must do the same. We Lannisters do have a certain pride. 假如你们要徒步上山,恐怕我也得照做。我们兰尼斯特家的人多少还有点自尊。
  Pride? Catelyn snapped. His mocking tone and easy manner made her angry. Arrogance, some might call it. Arrogance and avarice and lust for power. 自尊?凯特琳斥道。他那充满嘲弄的口吻和过于轻慢的态度让她非常恼火。我看是自傲吧。骄傲自大,贪得无厌,迷恋权位。
  My brother is undoubtedly arrogant, Tyrion Lannister replied. My father is the soul of avarice, and my sweet sister Cersei lusts for power with every waking breath.  我老哥的确傲慢得很,提利昂·兰尼斯特答道,我老爸则根本是贪婪的化身,至于我那好姐姐嘛,迷恋权位就跟呼吸一般重要。惟有我,却是只天真无邪的小羊。
  I, however, am innocent as a little lamb. Shall I bleat for you? He grinned. 怎么样,要不要我咩咩叫两声给你听啊?他咧嘴嘻笑。
  The drawbridge came creaking down before she could reply, and they heard the sound of oiled chains as the portcullis was drawn up.  她还不及回答,吊桥便喀啦喀啦降了下来,接着他们听到上过油的铁链滑动,铁闸也随之升起。
  Men-at-arms carried burning brands out to light their way, and her uncle led them across the moat.  士兵们手持火炬出来为他们照明,叔叔领头穿过护城河。
  Lord Nestor Royce, High Steward of the Vale and Keeper of the Gates of the Moon, was waiting in the yard to greet them, surrounded by his knights.  奈斯特·罗伊斯男爵,艾林谷的大总管和月门堡的守护者,正在中庭里迎接他们,身边围满了骑士。
  Lady Stark, he said, bowing. He was a massive, barrel-chested man, and his bow was clumsy. 史塔克夫人,他鞠躬道。他是个身躯庞大、胸膛厚实的人,动作起来颇显笨拙。