留美老师带你每日说英文 第929期:常使用医学来延长寿命(在线收听

   We are actually already trying to prolong life with our current medicine. We're just doing it very inefficiently. Trying to stop aging from happening is not less natural than transplanting a heart, treating cancer with chemotherapy, using antibiotics or vaccines. Nothing humans do nowadays is purely natural anymore, and we enjoy the highest standard of living ever as a consequence of that.

  1.current 现时的,当前的
  current (adj.) 现时的,当前的
  currently (adv.) 现在
  currency (n.) 通货,货币
  2.inefficiently 无效率地
  inefficiently (adv.) 无效率地
  inefficient (adj.) 无效率的;效能差的
  efficient (adj.) 效率高的
  3.age 年龄
  age (n.) 年龄
  ages (adv.) 很长一段时间
  aging (v.) 变老,老化
  4.transplant 移植;移种
  transplant (v.) 移植;移种
  transportation (n.) 运输工具
  transgender (n.) 变性人
  translator (n.) 译者,译员,翻译
  transaction (n.) 交易;业务;买卖
  transfer (v.) 迁移;转账;转校
  transparent (adj.) 透明的;清澈的
  5.pure 纯粹的,不搀杂的;地道的
  pure (adj.) 纯粹的,不搀杂的;地道的
  purely (adv.) 纯粹地;完全,全然
  purify (v.) 使纯净,净化;使纯粹