冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第491期:第二十七章 艾德(28)(在线收听

   Catelyn dismounted to stand before him. Lord Nestor, she said.  凯特琳下了马,站在他面前。奈斯特大人,她说。

  She knew the man only by reputation; Bronze Yohn's cousin, from a lesser branch of House Royce, yet still a formidable lord in his own right.  她久闻其大名,他是青铜约恩的堂弟,生于罗伊斯家族的旁系支脉,但本身依旧是个响当当的人物。
  We have had a long and tiring journey. I would beg the hospitality of your roof tonight, if I might. 我们长途跋涉,疲累不堪,如果您方便的话,今晚想在此借宿一宿。
  My roof is yours, my lady, Lord Nestor returned gruffly, but your sister the Lady Lysa has sent down word from the Eyrie.  夫人,请别客气。奈斯特男爵粗声道,但您的妹妹莱莎夫人刚从鹰巢城传话下来,希望能立刻见您一面。
  She wishes to see you at once. The rest of your party will be housed here and sent up at first light. 跟您同来的人今晚就住这里,明天一大早送他们上山。
  Her uncle swung off his horse. What madness is this? he said bluntly. Brynden Tully had never been a man to blunt the edge of his words.  叔叔翻身下马。这太疯狂了!他唐突地说。布林登·徒利向来不是个善于修饰话语棱角的人。
  A night ascent, with the moon not even full? Even Lysa should know that's an invitation to a broken neck. 今天并不是满月,你还要他们连夜上山?就算莱莎也知道这是找死。
  The mules know the way, Ser Brynden. A wiry girl of seventeen or eighteen years stepped up beside Lord Nestor.  布林登爵士,骡子认得路哪。一个瘦长结实的十七八岁少女自奈斯特男爵身边走上前来。
  Her dark hair was cropped short and straight around her head, and she wore riding leathers and a light shirt of silvered ringmail.  她一头剪短的黑发,身穿骑马皮衣和一件镀银轻环甲。
  She bowed to Catelyn, more gracefully than her lord.  她朝凯特琳鞠躬的姿势,比她主人还要优雅。
  I promise you, my lady, no harm will come to you. It would be my honor to take you up.  夫人,我向您保证,不会出事的。能带您上山是我的荣幸。
  I've made the dark climb a hundred times. Mychel says my father must have been a goat. 这条路我摸黑走过几百次,米歇尔说我父亲准是头山羊。
  She sounded so cocky that Catelyn had to smile. Do you have a name, child? 她那充满自信的口气,听得凯特琳忍不住微笑。孩子,你可有名字?