冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第493期:第二十七章 艾德(30)(在线收听

   Catelyn took her leave of her uncle and the others as Tyrion Lannister was led off, then followed the bastard girl through the castle.  提利昂·兰尼斯特被领走之后,凯特琳向叔叔和余人告别,跟着那私生女穿过城堡。

  Two mules were waiting in the upper bailey, saddled and ready. Mya helped her mount one while a guardsman in a sky-blue cloak opened the narrow postern gate.  两头骡子等在城堡的上层庭院里,整装待发。米亚扶她骑上,一位身着天蓝色披风的守卫拉开狭窄的后门。
  Beyond was dense forest of pine and spruce, and the mountain like a black wall, but the steps were there, chiseled deep into the rock, ascending into the sky.  门外是浓密的云杉和松木,山壁像堵黑墙,但岩石上果真有深深凿出的石阶,向上直入天际。
  Some people find it easier if they close their eyes, Mya said as she led the mules through the gate into the dark wood.  有些人觉得闭上眼睛会比较安心,米亚领着骡子穿过后门,走进森林。
  When they get frightened or dizzy, sometimes they hold on to the mule too tight. They don't like that. 他们觉得害怕或头晕的时候,常把骡子抓得太紧,可骡子不喜欢这样。
  I was born a Tully and wed to a Stark, Catelyn said. I do not frighten easily. Do you plan to light a torch? The steps were black as pitch. 我本姓徒利,又嫁进史塔克家,凯特琳道,要吓到我可不容易。你打算点火把吗?石阶像沥青一般黑。
  The girl made a face. Torches just blind you. On a clear night like this, the moon and the stars are enough.  女孩扮了个鬼脸。点火你反而看不见啦。今晚天气这么好,有月亮和星光足矣。
  Mychel says I have the eyes of the owl. She mounted and urged her mule up the first step. Catelyn's animal followed of its own accord. 米歇尔说我有对猫头鹰的眼睛。她也骑了上去,催促骡子踏上第一阶。凯特琳的坐骑自行跟了上去。
  You mentioned Mychel before, Catelyn said. The mules set the pace, slow but steady. She was perfectly content with that. 你刚才也提到米歇尔。凯特琳道。骡子的步伐虽慢,却很平稳,她已经非常满意。
  Mychel's my love, Mya explained. Mychel Redfort. He's squire to Ser Lyn Corbray. We're to wed as soon as he becomes a knight, next year or the year after. 米歇尔是我的爱人。米亚解释,米歇尔·雷德佛,他是林恩·科布瑞爵士的侍从。过几年等他当上骑士,我们就要结婚了。