冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第494期:第二十七章 艾德(31)(在线收听

   She sounded so like Sansa, so happy and innocent with her dreams. Catelyn smiled, but the smile was tinged with sadness.  她的语气好像珊莎,都是那么愉悦美妙,无忧无虑,充满梦想,凯特琳听了不禁微笑,笑里却带着忧伤。

  The Redforts were an old name in the Vale, she knew, with the blood of the First Men in their veins.  她知道雷德佛家是峡谷地区历史悠久的世家大族,体内更有先民的血脉。
  His love she might be, but no Redfort would ever wed a bastard.  她或许能成为他的爱人,然而雷德佛家的人绝不会娶私生女。
  His family would arrange a more suitable match for him, to a Corbray or a Waynwood or a Royce, or perhaps a daughter of some greater house outside the Vale.  他家里会帮他安排一桩门当户对的婚事,或许是科布瑞家族,也可能是韦伍德或罗伊斯家族,甚至是艾林谷外的豪门望族。
  If Mychel Redfort laid with this girl at all, it would be on the wrong side of the sheet. 就算米歇尔·雷德佛跟这女孩睡过,也不能代表什么。
  The ascent was easier than Catelyn had dared hope.  上山的过程比凯特琳原本期待的要轻松许多。
  The trees pressed close, leaning over the path to make a rustling green roof that shut out even the moon, so it seemed as though they were moving up a long black tunnel.  森林离他们很近,伸展过来遮住山路,搭起一棚瑟瑟作响的青绿屋顶,连月光也被遮蔽,所以她们仿佛是在暗道里行进。
  But the mules were surefooted and tireless, and Mya Stone did indeed seem blessed with night-eyes.  但是骡子的步履稳健,毫无疲态,米亚·石东也的确如有夜视能力。
  They plodded upward, winding their way back and forth across the face of the mountain as the steps twisted and turned.  山路蜿蜒崎岖,两人沿路缓步慢行,越过山壁。
  A thick layer of fallen needles carpeted the path, so the shoes of their mules made only the softest sound on the rock.  厚厚的松针铺在地上宛如绒毯,骡子走在石阶上只发出最细微的声音。
  The quiet soothed her, and the gentle rocking motion set Catelyn to swaying in her saddle. Before long she was fighting sleep. 这片宁静安抚了她的情绪,轻微的晃动让凯特琳在鞍上摇摇摆摆,没多久她就开始抗拒瞌睡的诱惑了。
  Perhaps she did doze for a moment, for suddenly a massive ironbound gate was looming before them.  或许她真打了一阵盹吧,因为宏伟的镶铁城门突然便矗立在她们面前。
  Stone,Mya announced cheerily, dismounting.  危岩堡到了。米亚开心地跳下骡子宣布。
  Iron spikes were set along the tops of formidable stone walls, and two fat round towers overtopped the keep.  坚实的石城墙顶插满铁钉,两个圆胖的塔楼环绕主堡。
  The gate swung open at Mya's shout.  城门在米亚的呼喊下缓缓打开,
  Inside, the portly knight who commanded the waycastle greeted Mya by name and offered them skewers of charred meat and onions still hot from the spit.  负责指挥这座堡垒的骑士是个粗壮的家伙,他亲切地叫出米亚的名字,拿出刚从烤架上取下、虽有点焦但热腾腾的烧肉和烤洋葱招待她们。
  Catelyn had not realized how hungry she was. She ate standing in the yard, as stablehands moved their saddles to fresh mules.  凯特琳早已忘记自己有多饿,站在中庭里就吃了起来,马夫则把她们的鞍鞫换到精力充沛的新骡子背上。
  The hot juices ran down her chin and dripped onto her cloak, but she was too famished to care. 温热的肉汁流过她的下巴,滴在披风上,但她实在太饿,便也管不了这许多。