冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第495期:第二十七章 艾德(32)(在线收听

   Then it was up onto a new mule and out again into the starlight.  随后她们骑上新骡子,在星光照耀下再度出发。

  The second part of the ascent seemed more treacherous to Catelyn.  凯特琳觉得这次的山路更为艰险,
  The trail was steeper, the steps more worn, and here and there littered with pebbles and broken stone.  不仅路径更陡,石阶磨损得厉害,地上也散满了小圆石和岩石碎片。
  Mya had to dismount a half-dozen times to move fallen rocks from their path.  有好几次米亚都得下骡,清开路上的落石。
  You don't want your mule to break a leg up here, she said.  若是骡子在这里摔断腿,那可就危险了。她说。
  Catelyn was forced to agree.  凯特琳只有同意的份。
  She could feel the altitude more now.  此时她已经能切身感受所处的高度。
  The trees were sparser up here, and the wind blew more vigorously, sharp gusts that tugged at her clothing and pushed her hair into her eyes.  这里林木渐稀,风势转强,拉扯着她的衣服,把头发吹进眼睛里。
  From time to time the steps doubled back on themselves, and she could see Stone below them, and the Gates of the Moon farther down, its torches no brighter than candles. 山路不断迂回盘旋,因此她可以看见下面的危岩堡,以及更下方的月门堡,那里的火光好似烛焰一般。
  Snow was smaller than Stone, a single fortified tower and a timber keep and stable hidden behind a low wall of unmortared rock.  雪山堡比危岩堡小得多,只有一座加固的塔楼,一座木料搭建的主堡,以及躲在低矮石墙后的马厩。
  Yet it nestled against the Giant's Lance in such a way as to command the entire stone stair above the lower waycastle.  围墙砌得很粗糙,没有涂上灰泥。虽然如此,它却紧靠着巨人之枪,形势足以掌控危岩堡以上所有的石阶。
  An enemy intent on the Eyrie would have to fight his way from Stone step by step, while rocks and arrows rained down from Snow above.  若有敌人想动鹰巢城的主意,他就得从危岩堡一阶一阶地打上来,同时还必须承受自雪山堡如雨般落下的飞箭和落石。
  The commander, an anxious young knight with a pockmarked face, offered bread and cheese and the chance to warm themselves before his fire, but Mya declined.  这里的指挥官是个一脸麻子、焦躁不安的年轻骑士。他拿面包和乳酪招待她们,并请两人到他的火炉边取暖,但米亚婉拒了。
  We ought to keep going, my lady, she said. If it please you.  夫人,我们应该继续走,她说:如果您愿意的话。
  Catelyn nodded. 凯特琳点点头。