冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第496期:第二十七章 艾德(33)(在线收听

   Again they were given fresh mules. Hers was white. Mya smiled when she saw him.  她们再次换了新骡子。给她的那头是白的,米亚一见便微笑道:

  Whitey's a good one, my lady. Sure of foot, even on ice, but you need to be careful. He'll kick if he doesn't like you. 夫人,小白是头好骡。就算步履坚冰,它的脚步也很稳,但您千万小心,他要是不喜欢您,可是会踢人的。
  The white mule seemed to like Catelyn; there was no kicking, thank the gods.  诸神保佑,小白似乎还挺喜欢凯特琳,至少它没有踢人。
  There was no ice either, and she was grateful for that as well. My mother says that hundreds of years ago, this was where the snow began, Mya told her.  路上没有冰,这点她也很感激。我妈说,数百年前,这里就是风雪线。
  It was always white above here, and the ice never melted. She shrugged.  米亚告诉她,从这往上便是白茫茫的,冰雪从不融化。她耸耸肩,离山顶还很远,
  I can't remember ever seeing snow this far down the mountain, but maybe it was that way once, in the olden times. 我不记得在这儿看过雪,不过,或许古时候是那样罢。
  So young, Catelyn thought, trying to remember if she had ever been like that. The girl had lived half her life in summer, and that was all she knew.  她好年轻,凯特琳心想,一边试着回忆自己是否曾如她这般纯真。这女孩大半时光都活在夏季,除此之外她一无所知。
  Winter is coming, child, she wanted to tell her. The words were on her lips; she almost said them. Perhaps she was becoming a Stark at last. 孩子,凛冬将至啊,她想告诉她。话到嘴边,几乎就要出口,或许她究竟是逐渐变成史塔克家的人了吧。
  Above Snow, the wind was a living thing, howling around them like a wolf in the waste, then falling off to nothing as if to lure them into complacency.  雪山堡之上,强风是个活生生的事物,犹如荒野孤狼般在她们周围呼啸狂吼,时时又归于平静,仿佛有意诱使她们掉以轻心。
  The stars seemed brighter up here, so close that she could almost touch them, and the horned moon was huge in the clear black sky.  从这里看去,星星似乎更亮,好似近在咫尺,触手可及。一弯新月挂在清朗的夜空中,显得硕大无朋。
  As they climbed, Catelyn found it was better to look up than down.  凯特琳只觉上山时往上看比往下看感觉好多了。
  The steps were cracked and broken from centuries of freeze and thaw and the tread of countless mules, and even in the dark the heights put her heart in her throat.  经过几百年来的结冰、融雪和无以计数的骡蹄踩踏,石阶破损得相当厉害,即便是在黑暗中看不清,她依旧提心吊胆。
  When they came to a high saddle between two spires of rock, Mya dismounted.  当她们来到两座尖石间的平台时,米亚爬下骡子。
  It's best to lead the mules over, she said.  这里我们最好牵骡子过去,她说,
  The wind can be a little scary here, my lady. 夫人,请注意,这儿的风有点强。