冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第497期:第二十七章 艾德(34)(在线收听

   Catelyn climbed stiffly from the shadows and looked at the path ahead; twenty feet long and close to three feet wide, but with a precipitous drop to either side.  凯特琳手脚僵硬地从阴影里爬出,看看眼前的山路:大约二十尺长,三尺宽,但路的两边都是万丈深渊。

  She could hear the wind shrieking. Mya stepped lightly out, her mule following as calmly as if they were crossing a bailey. It was her turn.  她能听见冷风的呼啸。米亚轻轻探出脚步,骡子平稳地跟随在后,尤似穿越城堡中庭。接下来就轮到她了。
  Yet no sooner had she taken her first step than fear caught Catelyn in its jaws. She could feel the emptiness, the vast black gulfs of air that yawned around her.  凯特琳才刚踏出第一步,恐惧就紧紧地抓住了她。她感觉到两侧的虚无空洞,感觉到在她周遭大口呵欠的黑色气旋。
  She stopped, trembling, afraid to move. The wind screamed at her and wrenched at her cloak, trying to pull her over the edge.  她停下脚步,颤抖着不敢前进。狂风向她嘶吼,拉扯她的披风,企图将她拖下山崖。
  Catelyn edged her foot backward, the most timid of steps, but the mule was behind her, and she could not retreat. I am going to die here, she thought.  凯特琳畏缩地退了一小步,但骡子挡在后面,她没有去路。我要死在这里了,她心想。
  She could feel cold sweat trickling down her back. 她觉得背心冷汗淋漓。
  Lady Stark, Mya called across the gulf. The girl sounded a thousand leagues away. Are you well? 史塔克夫人,米亚从对面喊。女孩的声音听起来仿佛有几千里远。您还好吗?
  Catelyn Tully Stark swallowed what remained of her pride. I...I cannot do this, child, she called out. 凯特琳·徒利·史塔克咽下了仅存的自尊。孩子,我…我做不到。
  Yes you can, the bastard girl said. I know you can. Look how wide the path is. 没问题的,私生女孩说,我知道您行。您看看路有多宽。
  I don't want to look. The world seemed to be spinning around her, mountain and sky and mules, whirling like a child's top.  我不想看。世界仿佛在她身边旋转,山脉、天空和骡子通通搅成一团。
  Catelyn closed her eyes to steady her ragged breathing. 凯特琳闭上眼睛,稳住自己急促的呼吸。