冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第499期:第二十七章 艾德(36)(在线收听

   A mouth yawned in the rock face in front of them. The stables and barracks are in there, Mya said.  她们面前的岩壁上开了一个通道。马厩和军营都在里面。

  The last part is inside the mountain. It can be a little dark, but at least you're out of the wind.  米亚说,最后一段路是在山内,有点黑,但也免了风雪。
  This is as far as the mules can go. Past here, well, it's a sort of chimney, more like a stone ladder than proper steps, but it's not too bad. Another hour and we'll be there. 骡子只能到此为止,从这儿开始,嗯,直直地爬上去,那路比较像石头做的云梯,而非正式的台阶,但还不算太难走。大概再有一个小时就到了。
  Catelyn looked up. Directly overhead, pale in the dawn light, she could see the foundations of the Eyrie.  凯特琳抬头仰望,在头顶正上方,破晓的晨光之中,她可以看见鹰巢城的基石,
  It could not be more than six hundred feet above them. From below it looked like a small white honeycomb.  离她们大概不超过六百尺。从下看去,如同小小的白色蜂窝。
  She remembered what her uncle had said of baskets and winches. The Lannisters may have their pride, she told Mya, but the Tullys are born with better sense.  她忆起叔叔提起的篮子和绞盘。兰尼斯特家的人或许自负傲慢,她告诉米亚:但徒利家的人懂得变通之道。
  I have ridden all day and the best part of a night. Tell them to lower a basket.  我已经骑了一整天马,又走了大半夜。
  I shall ride with the turnips. 请他们放下篮子,我跟萝卜一起上山。
  The sun was well above the mountains by the time Catelyn Stark finally reached the Eyrie.  凯特琳·史塔克终于抵达鹰巢城时,太阳已经高高升起。
  A stocky, silver-haired man in a sky-blue cloak and hammered moon-and-falcon breastplate helped her from the basket; Ser Vardis Egen, captain of Jon Arryn's household guard.  一位满头银发、身材健壮、穿着天蓝色披风、新月猎鹰胸甲的人扶她出了吊篮。他是琼恩·艾林的侍卫队长瓦狄斯·伊根爵士,
  Beside him stood Maester Colemon, thin and nervous, with too little hair and too much neck. Lady Stark, Ser Vardis said, the pleasure is as great as it is unanticipated.  站在他身边的则是体格瘦弱、神色不安、头发太少、脖子却太长的柯蒙学士。史塔克夫人,瓦狄斯爵士道,您真是教我们又惊又喜。
  Maester Colemon bobbed his head in agreement. Indeed it is, my lady, indeed it is. I have sent word to your sister.  柯蒙学士颔首同意。可不是嘛,夫人,可不是嘛。
  She left orders to be awakened the instant you arrived. 我已经带话给您妹妹,她吩咐您一到就叫醒她。