冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第500期:第二十七章 艾德(37)(在线收听

   I hope she had a good night's rest, Catelyn said with a certain bite in her tone that seemed to go unnoticed. 我希望她昨晚睡得香甜。凯特琳的话中带了一丝嘲讽,但似乎没人注意。

  The men escorted her from the winch room up a spiral stair.  他们护送她从绞盘室走上螺旋梯。
  The Eyrie was a small castle by the standards of the great houses; seven slender white towers bunched as tightly as arrows in a quiver on a shoulder of the great mountain.  以王国中贵族的标准而言,鹰巢城规模不大,只是七座白色尖塔像筒里的箭一样挤成一团,坐落在山巅上。
  It had no need of stables nor smithys nor kennels, but Ned said its granary was as large as Winterfell's, and its towers could house five hundred men.  它虽无马厩、铁铺或犬舍,但奈德曾说这里的粮仓和临冬城的一般大,而塔楼足以容纳五百人。
  Yet it seemed strangely deserted to Catelyn as she passed through it, its pale stone halls echoing and empty. 然而当凯特琳行经其中,却发现城堡异常荒凉,白石打造的厅堂里回声四起,空无一人。
  Lysa was waiting alone in her solar, still clad in her bed robes.  莱莎独自在书房里等她,身上披着睡袍。
  Her long auburn hair tumbled unbound across bare white shoulders and down her back.  她一头红褐色长发未经整理,垂过裸露的肩膀,覆在背后。
  A maid stood behind her, brushing out the night's tangles, but when Catelyn entered, her sister rose to her feet, smiling.  一个侍女站在她身后,正帮她梳理因睡眠而打结的发丝。凯特琳刚进门,妹妹立刻笑盈盈地起身。
  Cat, she said. Oh, Cat, how good it is to see you.  凯特,她说,噢,凯特,见到你真好。
  My sweet sister.  我亲爱的好姐姐。
  She ran across the chamber and wrapped her sister in her arms. How long it has been, Lysa murmured against her.  她跑过房间,紧紧地搂住姐姐。我们好久没见面了,莱莎抱着她喃喃说,
  Oh, how very very long. 噢,真的好久好久。
  It had been five years, in truth; five cruel years, for Lysa. They had taken their toll.  事实上,两人有五年没见。对莱莎而言,那是残酷的五年,岁月在她身上留下了痕迹。
  Her sister was two years the younger, yet she looked older now.  妹妹小她两岁,但现在看起来年纪却比她大。
  Shorter than Catelyn, Lysa had grown thick of body, pale and puffy of face.  莱莎原本就比凯特琳矮,如今她胖了,脸也显得苍白臃肿。
  She had the blue eyes of the Tullys, but hers were pale and watery, never still.  她有着徒利家族的蓝眼睛,却是那么黯淡而湿润,目光游移不定,小嘴唇也没了生气。