冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第501期:第二十七章 艾德(38)(在线收听

   Her small mouth had turned petulant. As Catelyn held her, she remembered the slender, high-breasted girl who'd waited beside her that day in the sept at Riverrun.  凯特琳抱着她,想起当年在奔流城的圣堂婚礼时站在自己身边,那个身躯纤细、抬头挺胸的女孩。

  How lovely and full of hope she had been. All that remained of her sister's beauty was the great fall of thick auburn hair that cascaded to her waist. 如今妹妹的美貌只剩下那头蓬松柔软、流泻至腰的红棕色长发。
  You look well, Catelyn lied, but...tired. 你看起来气色很好,凯特琳撒了谎。只是…有点累。
  Her sister broke the embrace. Tired. Yes. Oh, yes. She seemed to notice the others then; her maid, Maester Colemon, Ser Vardis.  妹妹松开她。是有点累,是啊,真的有点累。这时她似乎注意到在场的其他人:侍女、柯蒙学士和瓦狄斯爵士。
  Leave us, she told them. I wish to speak to my sister alone. She held Catelyn's hand as they withdrew... 你们下去罢,她告诉他们,我想跟我姐姐单独谈谈。她挽起凯特琳,看着他们离开…
  And dropped it the instant the door closed. Catelyn saw her face change. It was as if the sun had gone behind a cloud.  门一关上,便立刻摔开她的手。凯特琳见她脸色一变,仿佛乌云遮蔽了太阳。
  Have you taken leave of your senses?  你到底想干什么?
  Lysa snapped at her. To bring him here, without a word of permission, without so much as a warning, to drag us into your quarrels with the Lannisters... 莱莎斥责她,竟然未经许可,连声招呼都不打,就把他带来这里,把我们扯进你跟兰尼斯特的争端……
  My quarrels? Catelyn could scarce believe what she was hearing. A great fire burned in the hearth, but there was no trace of warmth in Lysa's voice.  我的争端?凯特琳简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。壁炉里火光熊熊,但莱莎的声音却没有丝毫温暖。
  They were your quarrels first, sister.  小妹,打一开始这就是你的事。
  It was you who sent me that cursed letter, you who wrote that the Lannisters had murdered your husband. 你写了那封该死的信给我,说兰尼斯特家的人害死了你丈夫。
  To warn you, so you could stay away from them! I never meant to fight them! Gods, Cat, do you know what you've done? 我写信的目的是警告你,叫你离他们远一点!不是叫你跟他们硬碰硬!诸神在上,凯特,你知道这样做会有什么后果?
  Mother? a small voice said.  妈?一个细小的声音说。