冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第502期:第二十七章 艾德(39)(在线收听

   Lysa whirled, her heavy robe swirling around her. Robert Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, stood in the doorway, clutching a ragged cloth doll and looking at them with large eyes.  莱莎旋身,厚重的长袍也跟着转圈。鹰巢城公爵劳勃·艾林站在门边,抱着一个破烂的布偶,睁大双眼看着她们。

  He was a painfully thin child, small for his age and sickly all his days, and from time to time he trembled. The shaking sickness, the maesters called it. I heard voices. 这孩子瘦得可怜,个子比同年龄的孩子都要小,一张病恹恹的脸,还不时颤抖。她知道,学士管这种病叫癫痫。我听见说话的声音了。
  Small wonder, Catelyn thought; Lysa had almost been shouting. Still, her sister looked daggers at her.  这也难怪,凯特琳心想,因为莱莎刚才几乎就是在吼。妹妹看她的眼神依旧锐利如刀。
  This is your aunt Catelyn, baby. My sister, Lady Stark. Do you remember? 小宝贝,这是你凯特琳阿姨。她是我姐姐,史塔克夫人,你还记得吗?
  The boy glanced at her blankly. I think so, he said, blinking, though he had been less than a year old the last time Catelyn had seen him. 小男孩一脸茫然地看着她。好像记得。他眨着眼说。凯特琳上次见他时,他还未满周岁。
  Lysa seated herself near the fire and said, Come to Mother, my sweet one. She straightened his bedclothes and fussed with his fine brown hair. Isn't he beautiful?  莱莎在火炉边坐下。小亲亲,到妈咪这儿来。她整整他的睡衣,拨拨他的头发。你看他漂不漂亮?
  And strong too, don't you believe the things you hear. Jon knew. The seed is strong, he told me. His last words.  其实他也很强壮,你别听信外边的传言。琼恩很清楚,他亲口对我说种性强韧,这是他的临终遗言。
  He kept saying Robert's name, and he grabbed my arm so hard he left marks. Tell them, the seed is strong. His seed.  他一直念叨着劳勃的名字,用力抓我的手,直到留下血痕。他是要我告诉他们,种性强韧,这是他的种,
  He wanted everyone to know what a good strong boy my baby was going to be. 他要大家都知道我的小宝贝长大之后会变成个强壮的男子汉。
  Lysa, Catelyn said, if you're right about the Lannisters, all the more reason we must act quickly. We... 莱莎,凯特琳道,如果关于兰尼斯特家的情况属实,那我们应该赶紧采取行动。我们—
  Not in front of the baby, Lysa said. He has a delicate temper, don't you, sweet one? 不要在我宝贝面前谈这些。莱莎说,他的脾气很纤细,对不对啊,小亲亲?