冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第503期:第二十七章 艾德(40)(在线收听

   The boy is Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale, Catelyn reminded her, and these are no times for delicacy. Ned thinks it may come to war. 这孩子是鹰巢城公爵,也是艾林谷的守护者。凯特琳提醒她,现在不是曲意温柔的时候。奈德认为依目前情势很可能会演变至战争。

  Quiet! Lysa snapped at her. You're scaring the boy.  闭嘴!莱莎怒叱。你吓到孩子了。
  Little Robert took a quick peek over his shoulder at Catelyn and began to tremble.  小劳勃从她肩头偷偷望了凯特琳一眼,然后发起抖来。
  His doll fell to the rushes, and he pressed himself against his mother.  他的玩偶掉到地毯上,他则紧紧抱住母亲。
  Don't be afraid, my sweet baby, Lysa whispered.  我亲爱的小宝贝,别怕喔。莱莎轻声说。
  Mother's here, nothing will hurt you. She opened her robe and drew out a pale, heavy breast, tipped with red.  妈咪在这里,不会有事的。她掀开睡袍,拉出一只苍白但涨鼓鼓、奶头红润的乳房。
  The boy grabbed for it eagerly, buried his face against her chest, and began to suck. Lysa stroked his hair. 男孩渴切地抓住它,把头埋在她胸口,吸吮了起来。莱莎抚弄着他的头发。
  Catelyn was at a loss for words. Jon Arryn's son, she thought incredulously.  凯特琳说不出话来。这竟然是琼恩·艾林的儿子,她难以置信地想。
  She remembered her own baby, three-year-old Rickon, half the age of this boy and five times as fierce.  她想起了自己的小儿子,瑞肯才三岁,年纪只有这男孩的一半,
  Small wonder the lords of the Vale were restive. For the first time she understood why the king had tried to take the child away from his mother to foster with the Lannisters... 却精力旺盛,足以当他好几倍有余。难怪艾林谷的诸侯们焦虑不安。她终于了解到国王为何要把这孩子从母亲身边带开,交给兰尼斯特家抚养…
  We're safe here, Lysa was saying. Whether to her or to the boy, Catelyn was not sure. 在这里,我们不会有事。莱莎说。至于这话究竟是对她说,还是对那孩子说,凯特琳无法确定。
  Don't be a fool, Catelyn said, the anger rising in her. No one is safe.  别傻了,凯特琳道,怒意陡然从心中升起。现在哪里都不安全。
  If you think hiding here will make the Lannisters forget you, you are sadly mistaken. 你以为躲在这里,兰尼斯特家就会忘记你的存在吗?你真是大错特错!
  Lysa covered her boy's ear with her hand. Even if they could bring an army through the mountains and past the Bloody Gate, the Eyrie is impregnable.  莱莎伸手捂住男孩的耳朵。就算他们带兵杀进崇山峻岭,穿过血门,也不可能攻破鹰巢城。
  You saw for yourself. No enemy could ever reach us up here. 你自己也看到了,没有人能攻到这里。