冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第504期:第二十七章 艾德(41)(在线收听

   Catelyn wanted to slap her. Uncle Brynden had tried to warn her, she realized. No castle is impregnable. 凯特琳有种想甩她耳光的冲动。布林登叔叔试图警告她,她这才明白原因何在。世上没有攻不破的城堡。

  This one is, Lysa insisted. Everyone says so. The only thing is, what am I to do with this Imp you have brought me? 这座城堡就攻不破。莱莎坚持,而且每个人都知道。现在惟一的问题是,我该怎么处置你带来的这个小恶魔?
  Is he a bad man? the Lord of the Eyrie asked, his mother's breast popping from his mouth, the nipple wet and red. 他是坏人吗?鹰巢城主松开口中红润潮湿的乳头问。
  A very bad man, Lysa told him as she covered herself, but Mother won't let him harm my little baby. 他是个非常非常坏的人。莱莎告诉他,一边穿好衣服。但是妈咪不会让他欺负我的小亲亲。
  Make him fly, Robert said eagerly. 让他飞。劳勃急切地说。
  Lysa stroked her son's hair. Perhaps we will, she murmured. Perhaps that is just what we will do. 莱莎搓搓儿子的头发。这主意不错,她喃喃道,这主意的确不错。
  He found Littlefinger in the brothel's common room, chatting amiably with a tall, elegant woman who wore a feathered gown over skin as black as ink.  他在妓院的前厅找到小指头,发现他正与一位身材高挑、举止优雅、全身黑如墨汁、穿着羽饰礼服的女士亲切交谈。
  By the hearth, Heward and a buxom wench were playing at forfeits.  火炉边,海华则和一位体态丰满的少女玩着猜瓦片的游戏。
  From the look of it, he'd lost his belt, his cloak, his mail shirt, and his right boot so far, while the girl had been forced to unbutton her shift to the waist.  到目前为止,他已经输掉了皮带、披风、锁子甲和右脚的靴子,女孩则被迫从胸口一直解开到腰部的衣扣。
  Jory Cassel stood beside a rain-streaked window with a wry smile on his face, watching Heward turn over tiles and enjoying the view. 乔里·凯索站在一扇滴雨如注的窗边,脸上挂着嘲弄的微笑,饶有兴味地看着海华输掉一件又一件衣服。
  Ned paused at the foot of the stair and pulled on his gloves. It's time we took our leave. My business here is done. 奈德停在楼梯口,戴上手套。我的事已经办完,我们该走了。