冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第505期:第二十七章 艾德(42)(在线收听

   Heward lurched to his feet, hurriedly gathering up his things. As you will, my lord, Jory said.  海华踉跄着站起来,急忙收拾他的东西。是的,大人。

  I'll help Wyl bring round the horses. He strode to the door. 乔里道,我去帮韦尔把马牵过来。他朝门边走去。
  Littlefinger took his time saying his farewells. He kissed the black woman's hand, whispered some joke that made her laugh aloud, and sauntered over to Ned.  小指头慢条斯理地跟妓女话别。他吻了那黑女人的手,偷偷跟她说了句什么笑话,逗得她高声大笑,最后才神闲气定地走到奈德旁边。
  Your business, he said lightly, or Robert's? They say the Hand dreams the king's dreams, speaks with the king's voice, and rules with the king's sword.  你是自己办事,他漫不经心地问,还是替劳勃办事?听人说首相替国王作梦,用国王的声音说话,拿国王的宝剑治理国家,
  Does that also mean you fuck with the king's... 你该不会也是用国王的老二——
  Lord Baelish, Ned interrupted, you presume too much. I am not ungrateful for your help. It might have taken us years to find this brothel without you.  贝里席大人,奈德打断他。请您别太不知好歹。我并非不感激您的帮忙。若是没有您,恐怕我们得花上几年时间才能找到这家妓院。
  That does not mean I intend to endure your mockery. And I am no longer the King's Hand. 但那不代表我愿意忍受您的嘲弄,更何况我已经不是首相了。
  The direwolf must be a prickly beast, said Littlefinger with a sharp twist of his mouth. 我看冰原狼跟刺猬没什么两样嘛。小指头夸张地撇撇嘴。
  A warm rain was pelting down from a starless black sky as they walked to the stables.  他们走进马厩时,屋外无星的黑色夜空正下着一阵温暖的雨。
  Ned drew up the hood of his cloak. Jory brought out his horse.  奈德拉起兜帽,乔里牵来他的坐骑,
  Young Wyl came right behind him, leading Littlefinger's mare with one hand while the other fumbled with his belt and the lacings of his trousers.  年轻的韦尔紧跟在后,一手领着小指头的母马,另一只手忙着系好皮带拉紧长裤。
  A barefoot whore leaned out of the stable door, giggling at him. 一个赤脚的妓女从马厩门里探出头来,对他咯咯直笑。
  Will we be going back to the castle now, my lord? Jory asked. Ned nodded and swung into the saddle. Littlefinger mounted up beside him. Jory and the others followed. 大人,我们这就回城堡吗?乔里问。奈德点点头,翻身上马。小指头骑行在他身边,乔里和其他人也跟着照办。