冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第506期:第二十七章 艾德(43)(在线收听

   Chataya runs a choice establishment, Littlefinger said as they rode. I've half a mind to buy it.  莎塔雅这家店实在挺不赖,途中小指头说,有时候我还真想把它给买下来。

  Brothels are a much sounder investment than ships, I've found. Whores seldom sink, and when they are boarded by pirates, why, the pirates pay good coin like everyone else.  我发现买妓院远比投资船队来得稳当,因为妓女不会沉,而海盗跳到她们身上的时候,唉,照样也得付钱哪。
  Lord Petyr chuckled at his own wit. 培提尔伯爵笑道,似乎对自己的幽默颇感满意。
  Ned let him prattle on. After a time, he quieted and they rode in silence. The streets of King's Landing were dark and deserted.  奈德让他自说自话,过了一会儿,他也静了下来,他们便沉默地骑马前行。君临的街道阴暗而无人迹,大雨把所有的人都赶进了屋里。
  The rain had driven everyone under their roofs. It beat down on Ned's head, warm as blood and relentless as old guilts. Fat drops of water ran down his face. 这雨不断敲打着奈德的头,温热如血,无情一如萦绕心头的过往罪衍。大颗水珠流下他的脸庞。
  Robert will never keep to one bed, Lyanna had told him at Winterfell, on the night long ago when their father had promised her hand to the young Lord of Storm's End.  劳勃永不会安于一室。许久许久以前,在他们的父亲把她许配给风息堡年轻公爵的那个晚上,莱安娜在临冬城对他这么说。
  I hear he has gotten a child on some girl in the Vale.  我听说他在艾林谷跟一个女孩生了孩子。
  Ned had held the babe in his arms; he could scarcely deny her, nor would he lie to his sister, but he had assured her that what Robert did before their betrothal was of no matter, that he was a good man and true who would love her with all his heart. Lyanna had only smiled.  奈德自己便抱过那婴孩,实在无法否认她的话,况且他又不愿欺骗妹妹,便向她保证不论劳勃在婚约之前干过什么风流事,都无足轻重,因为他是个情感真诚的好人,全心全意地爱着她。
  Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man's nature. 然而,莱安娜只是笑笑。我最亲爱的奈德啊,爱情诚然可贵,却终究无法改变一个人的本性。
  The girl had been so young Ned had not dared to ask her age.  刚才那女孩年纪之轻,奈德甚至不敢问她几岁。
  No doubt she'd been a virgin; the better brothels could always find a virgin, if the purse was fat enough.  她原本毫无疑问是个黄花闺女,在稍微高级一点的妓院里,只要钱包够肥,就一定能找到这样的货色。
  She had light red hair and a powdering of freckles across the bridge of her nose, and when she slipped free a breast to give her nipple to the babe, he saw that her bosom was freckled as well.  她长了一头淡红的头发,鼻梁两边各有一点雀斑,当她解开衣服,用奶头哺喂婴儿的时候,他发现她的胸部也有雀斑。
  I named her Barra, she said as the child nursed. She looks so like him, does she not, milord? She has his nose, and his hair. 我给她取名芭拉,孩子一边吸奶,她一边说,大人,她跟他长得可真像,不是吗?她有他的鼻子,还有他的头发……