冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第508期:第二十七章 艾德(45)(在线收听

   Littlefinger shrugged. Rivulets of moisture twisted down the back of his cloak. Does it matter?  小指头耸肩,雨珠立刻汇集成小溪从他斗篷背后流下。有关系吗?

  If you bed enough women, some will give you presents, and His Grace has never been shy on that count.  反正只要睡过的女人够多,总有人会送你大礼,而国王陛下在这方面可从不吝啬。
  I know he's acknowledged that boy at Storm's End, the one he fathered the night Lord Stannis wed.  我知道他公开承认的那个风息堡男孩,那是在史坦尼斯大人结婚当晚搞上的。
  He could hardly do otherwise.  他没法不认,
  The mother was a Florent, niece to the Lady Selyse, one of her bedmaids.  孩子的母亲是佛罗伦家的人,赛丽丝夫人的堂妹,她本人又是她的侍女之一。
  Renly says that Robert carried the girl upstairs during the feast, and broke in the wedding bed while Stannis and his bride were still dancing.  蓝礼说劳勃在当晚宴会进行途中把那女孩抱上楼,在史坦尼斯和新娘跳舞的时候就在他们婚床上开了她的苞。
  Lord Stannis seemed to think that was a blot on the honor of his wife's House, so when the boy was born, he shipped him off to Renly.  史坦尼斯大人似乎认为这是他太太娘家名誉的大污点,所以等男孩一出生,便把他装船送到蓝礼那边去了。
  He gave Ned a sideways glance.  他斜眼看看奈德。
  I've also heard whispers that Robert got a pair of twins on a serving wench at Casterly Rock, three years ago when he went west for Lord Tywin's tourney.  我还听说三年前劳勃去西境参加泰温大人的比武大会时,跟凯岩城一个女侍生了对双胞胎。
  Cersei had the babes killed, and sold the mother to a passing slaver.  瑟曦派人把孩子杀了,孩子的娘则卖给路过的奴隶贩子。
  Too much an affront to Lannister pride, that close to home. 自家后院出这种事,兰尼斯特家哪受得了。
  Ned Stark grimaced. Ugly tales like that were told of every great lord in the realm.  奈德·史塔克听了不禁皱眉,王国各大家族都有类似的难听传闻。
  He could believe it of Cersei Lannister readily enough...but would the king stand by and let it happen?  他相信瑟曦·兰尼斯特干得出这种事…但国王会袖手旁观,任她胡来吗?
  The Robert he had known would not have, but the Robert he had known had never been so practiced at shutting his eyes to things he did not wish to see.  他过去所认识的那个劳勃不会,可话说回来,他过去所认识的那个劳勃,也不像如今这般善于对自己不想知道的事装聋作哑。
  Why would Jon Arryn take a sudden interest in the king's baseborn children? 琼恩·艾林为什么突然对国王的庶出子女产生了兴趣?