冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第511期:第二十七章 艾德(48)(在线收听

   Littlefinger did not need to be urged. I will bring the City Watch, he promised Ned.  小指头无需催促。我这就去找都城守卫队。他向奈德保证。

  The Lannister line parted to let him through, and closed behind him. Littlefinger put his heels to his mare and vanished around a corner. 兰尼斯特家的士兵向外站开,之后又复成包围阵形。小指头一踢马肚,骑着母马消失在街角。
  Ned's men had drawn their swords, but they were three against twenty.  奈德的手下也拔出了武器,但他们是三对二十。
  Eyes watched from nearby windows and doors, but no one was about to intervene.  附近居民在门窗后暗中观望,无人打算干涉。
  His party was mounted, the Lannisters on foot save for Jaime himself.  他的部下都骑马,而兰尼斯特家的人除了詹姆都是徒步。
  A charge might win them free, but it seemed to Eddard Stark that they had a surer, safer tactic.  冲锋或许能杀出一条血路,但艾德·史塔克认为还有更保险、更安全的策略。
  Kill me, he warned the Kingslayer, and Catelyn will most certainly slay Tyrion. 你杀了我,他警告弑君者。凯特琳手中的提利昂也性命难保。
  Jaime Lannister poked at Ned's chest with the gilded sword that had sipped the blood of the last of the Dragonkings. Would she?  詹姆·兰尼斯特用那把曾啜饮末代龙王鲜血的镀金宝剑戳戳奈德胸膛。她会吗?
  The noble Catelyn Tully of Riverrun murder a hostage? I think...not. He sighed.  奔流城高贵的凯特琳·徒利谋害毫无反抗能力的人质?我看…她不会。他叹口气,
  But I am not willing to chance my brother's life on a woman's honor.  但我可不想拿我弟弟的性命来跟一个女人的荣誉感作赌。
  Jaime slid the golden sword into its sheath. So I suppose I'll let you run back to Robert to tell him how I frightened you. I wonder if he'll care.  詹姆将黄金宝剑回鞘。这样看来,我只好让你跑去跟劳勃告状,说我是如何欺负你了。我很怀疑他会不会理你?
  Jaime pushed his wet hair back with his fingers and wheeled his horse around. When he was beyond the line of swordsmen, he glanced back at his captain.  詹姆伸手把湿发往后一拨,调转马头。当他骑马经过那排武士时,他回头瞄了队长一眼。
  Tregar, see that no harm comes to Lord Stark. 崔格,不许伤害史塔克大人。
  As you say, m'lord. 遵命,大人。
  Still...we wouldn't want him to leave here entirely unchastened, so… through the night and the rain, he glimpsed the white of Jaime's smile…kill his men. 可是……也不能让他平白逃过一劫,所以呢,——穿过夜色和大雨,他依稀看到詹姆的微笑——把他手下给我全宰了。