冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第512期:第二十七章 艾德(49)(在线收听

   No! Ned Stark screamed, clawing for his sword. Jaime was already cantering off down the street as he heard Wyl shout.  不!奈德·史塔克尖叫着抓起他的剑。他听见韦尔大声喊叫,詹姆早已快马加鞭扬长而去。

  Men closed from both sides. Ned rode one down, cutting at phantoms in red cloaks who gave way before him.  敌人从四面八方围过来。奈德踩翻一人,挥剑朝着周围纷纷避开、幽灵般的红披风猛砍。
  Jory Cassel put his heels into his mount and charged.  乔里一夹马肚往前冲,
  A steel-shod hoof caught a Lannister guardsman in the face with a sickening crunch. A second man reeled away and for an instant Jory was free.  精钢打造的马蹄铁正好踢中一名士兵的脸,发出一声令人作呕的喀啦响。第二个人避了开来,刹那间乔里似乎自由了。
  Wyl cursed as they pulled him off his dying horse, swords slashing in the rain.  那边韦尔大声咒骂,被他们硬是从垂死的马背上拖下去,剑如雨下。
  Ned galloped to him, bringing his longsword down on Tregar's helm. The jolt of impact made him grit his teeth.  奈德策马朝他飞奔而去,一剑砍中崔格的头盔,冲力震得他咬紧牙关。
  Tregar stumbled to his knees, his lion crest sheared in half, blood running down his face.  崔格踉跄着跪下,盔顶的狮子裂成两半,血汩汩地流下脸庞。
  Heward was hacking at the hands that had seized his bridle when a spear caught him in the belly. Suddenly Jory was back among them, a red rain flying from his sword.  海华正挥砍着几只抓住他腰带的手,却被一枝长枪刺穿了肚腹。只见乔里回头冲入杀阵,长剑挑起一阵腥风血雨。
  No! Ned shouted. Jory, away! Ned's horse slipped under him and came crashing down in the mud.  不要过来!奈德高喊,乔里,快走!奈德的坐骑滑了一跤,轰隆隆摔进烂泥堆里。
  There was a moment of blinding pain and the taste of blood in his mouth. 他只觉一阵刺眼的剧痛,以及嘴里的血腥。
  He saw them cut the legs from Jory's mount and drag him to the earth, swords rising and failing as they closed in around him.  他看见他们砍断乔里坐骑的腿,把他拖在地上,围上去剑起剑落。
  When Ned's horse lurched back to its feet, he tried to rise, only to fall again, choking on his scream.  奈德的马蹒跚着站起来,他也试图起身,却无力地倒下,极力忍住方才没有尖叫出声。
  He could see the splintered bone poking through his calf.  他看见戳穿小腿的碎骨。那是他很长一段时间里最后看到的东西。
  It was the last thing he saw for a time. The rain came down and down and down. 雨,一直下,一直下,一直下。