冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第514期:第二十七章 艾德(51)(在线收听

   Dany could not have said why the city needed a gate when it had no walls...and no buildings that she could see.  丹妮实在不了解,这座城既无围墙,何需城门?…犹有甚者,她举目所及居然没有半栋建筑。

  Yet there it stood, immense and beautiful, the great horses framing the distant purple mountain beyond.  然而马门依旧矗立在此,硕大无比,美丽逼人,两匹大马为远方紫色山峦的风景加上了边框。
  The bronze stallions threw long shadows across the waving grasses as Khal Drogo led the khalasar under their hooves and down the godsway, his bloodriders beside him. 卓戈卡奥领着卡拉萨从它们的马蹄下经过,沿着诸神大道继续前行,血盟卫们紧随左右,青铜骏马则在碧波荡漾的草原上洒下迆长的影子。
  Dany followed on her silver, escorted by Ser Jorah Mormont and her brother Viserys, mounted once more.  丹妮骑着银马跟随在后,护送她的是乔拉·莫尔蒙爵士和再度上马的哥哥韦赛里斯。
  After the day in the grass when she had left him to walk back to the khalasar, the Dothraki had laughingly called him Khal Rhae Mhar, the Sorefoot King.  自那天在草原上发生事故,她让他走路回卡拉萨后,多斯拉克人便语带讥讽地给他起了个绰号叫雷马尔卡奥,意思是"酸腿国王"。
  Khal Drogo had offered him a place in a cart the next day, and Viserys had accepted.  次日卓戈卡奥提议让他搭乘马车,韦赛里斯答应下来。
  In his stubborn ignorance, he had not even known he was being mocked;  倔强又无知的他,却不知这正是对他嘲弄。
  the carts were for eunuchs, cripples, women giving birth, the very young and the very old. That won him yet another name: Khal Rhaggat, the Cart King.  因为只有太监、残废、孕妇和老弱幼孺才搭马车。为此他又得了个新译名拉迦特卡奥,意思是"马车国王"。
  Her brother had thought it was the khal's way of apologizing for the wrong Dany had done him. She had begged Ser Jorah not to tell him the truth, lest he be shamed.  哥哥竟还以为卡奥是因为丹妮犯了错,想藉此向他赔礼。她特别恳求乔拉爵士别告诉他真相,以免他受辱。
  The knight had replied that the king could well do with a bit of shame...yet he had done as she bid.  骑士回说作国王就是要能忍受些许侮辱…但他还是听了她的话。
  It had taken much pleading, and all the pillow tricks Doreah had taught her, before Dany had been able to make Drogo relent and allow Viserys to rejoin them at the head of the column. 如今丹妮可是再三哀求,又用尽多莉亚教的床上功夫,才让卓戈收回成命,允许韦赛里斯重新和他们一起走在队伍前端。