冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第515期:第二十七章 艾德(52)(在线收听

   Where is the city? she asked as they passed beneath the bronze arch.  城区究竟在哪儿?他们从青铜拱门下穿过时,她忍不住问。

  There were no buildings to be seen, no people, only the grass and the road, lined with ancient monuments from all the lands the Dothraki had sacked over the centuries. 放眼望去,四下没有建筑物,没有人烟,只有草原和道路,两旁摆满了千百年来多斯拉克人由各地搜刮来的古老掠获。
  Ahead, Ser Jorah answered. Under the mountain. 前面,乔拉爵士回答,就在山脚下。
  Beyond the horse gate, plundered gods and stolen heroes loomed to either side of them.  过了马门,抢窃而来的各方诸神和列位英雄凛然站立道路左右。
  The forgotten deities of dead cities brandished their broken thunderbolts at the sky as Dany rode her silver past their feet.  丹妮骑着小银马经过曾被衰亡城市敬拜过的、如今早被遗忘的神祉,有的还朝天挥舞手中的闪电。
  Stone kings looked down on her from their thrones, their faces chipped and stained, even their names lost in the mists of time.  众多国王的石雕坐在王位上,冷冷地俯视她,他们的面容却已被风雨侵蚀,连名字也失落于时间的迷雾中。
  Lithe young maidens danced on marble plinths, draped only in flowers, or poured air from shattered jars.  身躯苗条的少女在大理石基座上跳舞,身上仅有花朵蔽体,她们拿着碎裂的瓶罐,倒出的也只有空气。
  Monsters stood in the grass beside the road; black iron dragons with jewels for eyes, roaring griffins, manticores with their barbed tails poised to strike, and other beasts she could not name. Some of the statues were so lovely they took her breath away, others so misshapen and terrible that Dany could scarcely bear to look at them.  站在道路两边的青草地上的还有各种怪物:眼镶珠宝的黑铁龙,狰狞咆哮的鹰头狮身兽,举尾欲刺的人面狮身蝎尾兽,以及其他不知名的怪兽。
  Those, Ser Jorah said, had likely come from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai. 有些雕像可爱得教她透不过气,却也有些极度畸形可怖,令她不敢再看。照乔拉爵士说,这些雕像大半来自亚夏彼方的阴影之地。
  So many, she said as her silver stepped slowly onward, and from so many lands. 好多啊,小银马一边缓步向前,她一边说,也是从好多地方来的。