冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第516期:第二十七章 艾德(53)(在线收听

   Viserys was less impressed. The trash of dead cities, he sneered.  韦赛里斯可不怎么感兴趣。全是些毁灭的城市留下来的垃圾。他冷笑道。

  He was careful to speak in the Common Tongue, which few Dothraki could understand, yet even so Dany found herself glancing back at the men of her khas, to make certain he had not been overheard. He went on blithely.  他这句话是特别用通用语说的,因为没几个多斯拉克人听得懂,然而丹妮还是忍不住回头看看自己卡斯的人,以确定没人听见。
  All these savages know how to do is steal the things better men have built...and kill. He laughed. They do know how to kill. Otherwise I'd have no use for them at all. 他倒是满不在乎地继续说下去。这些野蛮人只懂得窃取文明人现成的建筑…还有杀人。他笑道,但他们也真是会杀人,否则我找他们干嘛?
  They are my people now, Dany said. You should not call them savages, brother. 他们现在也是我的族人,丹妮说,哥哥,你就别再叫他们野蛮人了吧。
  The dragon speaks as he likes, Viserys said...in the Common Tongue.  真龙传人爱说什么就说什么。韦赛里斯道…依然是用通用语。
  He glanced over his shoulder at Aggo and Rakharo, riding behind them, and favored them with a mocking smile. 他回头瞄了一眼骑在后面的阿戈和拉卡洛,给了他们一个嘲弄的微笑。
  See, the savages lack the wit to understand the speech of civilized men.  你瞧,这些野蛮人没脑袋,听不懂文明人的话。
  A moss-eaten stone monolith loomed over the road, fifty feet tall.  路边矗立着一座爬满青苔的巨石柱,足足有五十英尺高。
  Viserys gazed at it with boredom in his eyes. How long must we linger amidst these ruins before Drogo gives me my army? I grow tired of waiting. 韦赛里斯百无聊赖地看着石柱,我们到底还要在这些废墟里待多久,卓戈才会给我军队?我等得不耐烦了。
  The princess must be presented to the dosh khaleen... 公主殿下必须先晋见多希卡林…
  The crones, yes, her brother interrupted, and there's to be some mummer's show of a prophecy for the whelp in her belly, you told me. What is that to me?  见几个老太婆,我知道。哥哥插话,照你所说,之后还要演场闹剧,预言她肚里的小东西。这与我何干?
  I'm tired of eating horsemeat and I'm sick of the stink of these savages.  我受够了天天吃马肉,还有这些野蛮人的臭味。
  He sniffed at the wide, floppy sleeve of his tunic, where it was his custom to keep a sachet.  他朝自己宽大的衣袖闻了闻,他习惯在袖子里缝个香袋,
  It could not have helped much. The tunic was filthy.  但作用非常有限,因为外衣本身就又脏又臭。
  All the silk and heavy wools that Viserys had worn out of Pentos were stained by hard travel and rotted from sweat. 韦赛里斯当初从潘托斯穿出来的丝绸羊毛,早已在长途跋涉中沾满泥渍,并因汗水而腐烂了。