冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第519期:第二十七章 艾德(56)(在线收听

   When Rhaegar fell, many threw down their weapons and fled the field.  雷加一死,很多人便丢下武器,逃离战场。

  How long do you imagine such a rabble would stand against the charge of forty thousand screamers howling for blood?  面对四万名嗜血哮吼武士的决死冲锋,你觉得这样的乌合之众能支撑多久?
  How well would boiled leather jerkins and mailed shirts protect them when the arrows fall like rain? 置身箭如雨下的杀戮战场,身穿硬皮革和锁子甲,又能有多大效用?
  Not long, she said, not well. 撑不久,她说,也没什么用。
  He nodded. Mind you, Princess, if the lords of the Seven Kingdoms have the wit the gods gave a goose, it will never come to that.  他点点头。可是公主殿下,容我提醒您,只要诸神赐予七国的领主一点点脑子,他们就不至于沦落到那种地步。
  The riders have no taste for siegecraft. I doubt they could take even the weakest castle in the Seven Kingdoms, but if Robert Baratheon were fool enough to give them battle. 草原的骑马战士对围城完全不在行,能不能攻下七国里最弱的城堡,我都很怀疑。但若是劳勃·拜拉席恩愚蠢到跟他们正面决战…
  Is he? Dany asked. A fool, I mean? 他是这样的人吗?丹妮问:我的意思是,他愚蠢吗?
  Ser Jorah considered that for a moment. Robert should have been born Dothraki, he said at last.  乔拉爵士沉吟片刻。劳勃应该生为多斯拉克人才对。
  Your khal would tell you that only a coward hides behind stone walls instead of facing his enemy with a blade in hand.  最后他开口说,您的卡奥会告诉您,只有懦夫才会躲在城墙后,不敢与敌人当面对决,
  The Usurper would agree. He is a strong man, brave and rash enough to meet a Dothraki horde in the open field.  对这种说法,'篡夺者'绝对会拍手赞成。他这个人骁勇善战…照他的个性,的确会冲动地在开阔地和多斯拉克大军决一死战。
  But the men around him, well, their pipers play a different tune. 但他身边有很多人,哈,这些人就像伴奏的笛手,而他们决不会如此行事,
  His brother Stannis, Lord Tywin Lannister, Eddard Stark. He spat. 比如他弟弟史坦尼斯·泰温兰尼斯特公爵,艾德·史塔克…他啐了口唾沫。
  You hate this Lord Stark, Dany said. 你好像很讨厌这个史塔克公爵。丹妮道。
  He took from me all I loved, for the sake of a few lice-ridden poachers and his precious honor, Ser Jorah said bitterly.  他夺走了我深爱的一切,只为了区区几个偷猎人渣和他宝贵的荣誉。乔拉爵士苦涩地说。
  From his tone, she could tell the loss still pained him. He changed the subject quickly. There, he announced, pointing. Vaes Dothrak. The city of the horselords. 从他的口气,丹妮听得出回忆依旧折磨着他。但他随即转变话题。您看,他指给她瞧,这就是维斯多斯拉克,马王之城。