冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第521期:第二十七章 艾德(58)(在线收听

   Most of the halls, even the largest, seemed deserted. Where are the people who live here? Dany asked.  厅堂看起来大都荒废已久,即便最大的那几间也不例外。住在这里的人都到哪儿去了?丹妮问。

  The bazaar had been full of running children and men shouting, but elsewhere she had seen only a few eunuchs going about their business. 市集里到处都是跑来跑去的小孩和高声吆喝的成年人,但在这里,她只看到几个办事的太监。
  Only the crones of the dosh khaleen dwell permanently in the sacred city, them and their slaves and servants, Ser Jorah replied, yet Vaes Dothrak is large enough to house every man of every khalasar, should all the khals return to the Mother at once.  定居在圣城的,只有多希卡林的老妇,以及侍候她们的奴隶和仆人。乔拉爵士回答,然而维斯·多斯拉克占地广大,就算所有的卡奥都带着他们的卡拉萨回归圣母山,这里也容纳得下。
  The crones have prophesied that one day that will come to pass, and so Vaes Dothrak must be ready to embrace all its children. 女祭司曾经预言这样的一天终将来临,所以维斯·多斯拉克必须做好迎接所有孩子的准备。
  Khal Drogo finally called a halt near the Eastern Market where the caravans from Yi Ti and Asshai and the Shadow Lands came to trade, with the Mother of Mountains looming overhead.  队伍接近城东市集时,卓戈卡奥总算下令停步。从夷地、亚夏、阴影之地及玉海沿岸来的商队,都在这里做买卖,巍峨的圣母山高耸于头顶。
  Dany smiled as she recalled Magister Illyrio's slave girl and her talk of a palace with two hundred rooms and doors of solid silver.  丹妮忆起伊利里欧总督的女奴曾说,卓戈的宫殿有两百个房间和银子打造的门扉,不禁莞尔一笑。
  The palace was a cavernous wooden feasting hall, its rough-hewn timbered walls rising forty feet, its roof sewn silk, a vast billowing tent that could be raised to keep out the rare rains, or lowered to admit the endless sky.  这座宫殿乃是个深邃的木造饭厅,粗木建成的墙壁高达四十英尺,屋顶是一块丝织大帷幕,挂起可挡霎时风雨,收下能迎无尽长空。
  Around the hall were broad grassy horse yards fenced with high hedges, firepits, and hundreds of round earthen houses that bulged from the ground like miniature hills, covered with grass. 厅堂周围,高篱环绕,还有青草茂盛的宽阔马场,火堆,以及数以百计的圆顶土屋,它们自地面突起,杂草覆盖其上,远看仿如小丘。