冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第529期:第二十八章 布兰(1)(在线收听

   A light snow was falling. Bran could feel the flakes on his face, melting as they touched his skin like the gentlest of rains.  天空下着细雪,布兰可以感觉到脸上飘落的雪花,一碰皮肤便即融化,像阵轻柔的雨。

  He sat straight atop his horse, watching as the iron portcullis was winched upward. Try as he might to keep calm, his heart was fluttering in his chest. 他笔直地骑在马上,看着铁闸门被绞盘向上拉起。他虽竭力想保持镇定,心脏却一直在胸口狂跳个不停。
  Are you ready? Robb asked. 准备好了吗?罗柏问。
  Bran nodded, trying not to let his fear show. He had not been outside Winterfell since his fall, but he was determined to ride out as proud as any knight. 布兰点点头,试着不露出害怕的神色。虽然自坠楼以来,他便没有踏出过临冬城一步,但他打定主意要像个骑士一样昂首骑马出去。
  Let's ride, then.Robb put his heels into his big grey-and-white gelding, and the horse walked under the portcullis. 那我们走吧。罗柏一夹马肚,骑着他那匹灰白相间的大公马穿过闸门。
  Go, Bran whispered to his own horse. He touched her neck lightly, and the small chestnut filly started forward.  前进。布兰向自己的坐骑耳语。他轻触它的脖子,栗子色的小母马便迈步向前。
  Bran had named her Dancer. She was two years old, and Joseth said she was smarter than any horse had a right to be.  布兰为它取名小舞。它今年两岁,乔赛斯说它聪明得不像马。
  They had trained her special, to respond to rein and voice and touch.  他们已经对它进行过特别训练,让它对缰绳、声音和碰触有反应,
  Up to now, Bran had only ridden her around the yard.  但到目前为止,布兰只是骑它绕绕广场。
  At first Joseth or Hodor would lead her, while Bran sat strapped to her back in the oversize saddle the Imp had drawn up for him, but for the past fortnight he had been riding her on his own, trotting her round and round, and growing bolder with every circuit. 最初乔赛斯或阿多会牵着它,布兰则被绑在它背上那个超大的马鞍上——马鞍是照小恶魔的设计图打造的。不过这两个星期以来,他已经能独自驾驭,骑着它来回慢跑,每绕一圈,胆子就更大。