冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第532期:第二十七章 布兰(4)(在线收听

   Robb rode closer. You are doing well, Bran. 罗柏靠过来。布兰,你骑得很好。

  I want to go faster, Bran replied. 我想再骑快点。布兰回答。
  Robb smiled. As you will. He sent his gelding into a trot. The wolves raced after him.  罗柏微笑,没问题。说完他策马开跑,狼群跟在他后面冲了出去。
  Bran snapped the reins sharply, and Dancer picked up her pace. He heard a shout from Theon Greyjoy, and the hoofbeats of the other horses behind him. 布兰用力一扯缰绳,小舞也加快步伐。他听见席恩·葛雷乔伊一声吆喝,以及身后杂沓的马蹄声。
  Bran's cloak billowed out, rippling in the wind, and the snow seemed to rush at his face.  布兰的披风在风中翻腾犹如波浪,落雪迎面扑来。
  Robb was well ahead, glancing back over his shoulder from time to time to make sure Bran and the others were following.  罗柏遥遥领先,不时回头张望,确定布兰和其他人跟上。
  He snapped the reins again. Smooth as silk, Dancer slid into a gallop.  他再度扯缰,小舞如滑丝般流畅地迈步疾奔。
  The distance closed. By the time he caught Robb on the edge of the wolfswood, two miles beyond the winter town, they had left the others well behind.  两人的距离逐渐拉近,等他在避冬市镇两里外的狼林边缘追上罗柏时,他们已把其他人远远抛在后方。
  I can ride! Bran shouted, grinning. It felt almost as good as flying. 我能骑马了!布兰嘻嘻笑着大叫,这种感觉好像飞。
  I'd race you, but I fear you'd win. Robb's tone was light and joking, yet Bran could tell that something was troubling his brother underneath the smile. 我很想跟你赛跑,怕只怕赢不了你。罗柏的口气虽然轻快,带着戏谑的意味,但在哥哥的笑容背后,布兰却看得出他有心事。
  I don't want to race. Bran looked around for the direwolves. Both had vanished into the wood. Did you hear Summer howling last night? 我不想跟你比赛。布兰四处张望,寻找冰原狼的踪影。但那两只狼早就消失在了森林里。昨晚你听见夏天叫了吗?
  Grey Wind was restless too, Robb said. His auburn hair had grown shaggy and unkempt, and a reddish stubble covered his jaw, making him look older than his fifteen years.  灰风也是焦躁不安。罗柏道。他红棕色的头发长长了,未经梳理,有些凌乱,几撮红胡子遮住了下巴,让他看起来比十五岁的实际年龄要成熟。
  Sometimes I think they know things...sense things...Robb sighed. I never know how much to tell you, Bran. I wish you were older. 有时候我觉得他们知道很多事……感应到很多事…罗柏叹口气,布兰,我不知该跟你说多少,我真希望你年纪再大一点。
  I'm eight now! Bran said. Eight isn't so much younger than fifteen, and I'm the heir to Winterfell, after you. 我已经八岁了!布兰说:八岁和十五岁没差多少,而且在你之后,我也是临冬城的继承人。