冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第533期:第二十七章 布兰(5)(在线收听

   So you are. Robb sounded sad, and even a little scared. Bran, I need to tell you something. There was a bird last night. From King's Landing. Maester Luwin woke me. 是啊,罗柏语气哀伤,甚至有些害怕。布兰,有件事我必须跟你讲清楚。昨晚来了只信鸦,从君临来,鲁温师傅半夜把我叫醒。

  Bran felt a sudden dread. Dark wings, dark words, Old Nan always said, and of late the messenger ravens had been proving the truth of the proverb.  布兰突然感到一阵惊恐。黑色的翅膀,黑色的消息,老奶妈总这么说,而近来传递信息的渡鸦一再证明了这句俗谚的正确。
  When Robb wrote to the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, the bird that came back brought word that Uncle Benjen was still missing.  罗柏写信给守夜人军团的司令官,鸟儿却带回班扬叔叔依旧下落不明的消息。
  Then a message had arrived from the Eyrie, from Mother, but that had not been good news either.  接着鹰巢城有信传来,是母亲写的,可惜也并非好消息。
  She did not say when she meant to return, only that she had taken the Imp as prisoner.  她没说何时回来,只说小恶魔如今是她的犯人。
  Bran had sort of liked the little man, yet the name Lannister sent cold fingers creeping up his spine.  布兰其实还挺喜欢那矮个子,但兰尼斯特这个姓氏却教他背脊发凉。
  There was something about the Lannisters, something he ought to remember, but when he tried to think what, he felt dizzy and his stomach clenched hard as a stone.  有件和兰尼斯特有关的事,他应该记得,然而每次他试图回忆,便觉头晕目眩,腹痛如绞。
  Robb spent most of that day locked behind closed doors with Maester Luwin, Theon Greyjoy, and Hallis Mollen.  那一天,罗柏整日把自己关在房里,和鲁温师傅、席恩·葛雷乔伊,以及哈里斯·莫兰共商对策。
  Afterward, riders were sent out on fast horses, carrying Robb's commands throughout the north.  之后信使骑着快马,将罗柏的命令传遍北境。
  Bran heard talk of Moat Cailin, the ancient stronghold the First Men had built at the top of the Neck.  布兰依稀听到卡林湾这地名,那是先民在颈泽北端筑起的古老要塞。
  No one ever told him what was happening, yet he knew it was not good. 究竟发生了什么,没人告诉他,但肯定不是什么好事。