冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第537期:第二十七章 布兰(9)(在线收听

   Bran shook his head. I was just remembering, he said. Jory brought us here once, to fish for trout. You and me and Jon. Do you remember? 布兰摇摇头。我只是想起从前的事。他说,有一次乔里带我们来这儿抓鳟鱼。就你、我还有琼恩,记得吗?

  I remember, Robb said, his voice quiet and sad. 我记得。罗柏说,他的语调平静而哀伤。
  I didn't catch anything, Bran said, but Jon gave me his fish on the way back to Winterfell. Will we ever see Jon again? 结果我什么也没抓到,布兰说,可在回临冬城的路上,琼恩却把他抓的鱼都给了我。我们还能再见到琼恩吗?
  We saw Uncle Benjen when the king came to visit, Robb pointed out. Jon will visit too, you'll see. 上次国王来访,我们不就看到了班扬叔叔?罗柏告诉他,琼恩也会回来作客,你等着瞧吧。
  The stream was running high and fast. Robb dismounted and led his gelding across the ford.  溪流湍急,水势高涨。罗柏下马,牵着坐骑越过浅滩。
  In the deepest part of the crossing, the water came up to midthigh. He tied his horse to a tree on the far side, and waded back across for Bran and Dancer.  渡口最深处,水及大腿。他把马儿拴在对岸的一棵树上,然后涉水回来带布兰和小舞过去。
  The current foamed around rock and root, and Bran could feel the spray on his face as Robb led him over.  溪流拍打着岩石和树根,激起阵阵飞沫,罗柏当先领他渡河,布兰可以感觉水花溅到脸上。
  It made him smile. For a moment he felt strong again, and whole.  他笑了。一时之间,他觉得自己又是身强体壮,四肢健全。
  He looked up at the trees and dreamed of climbing them, right up to the very top, with the whole forest spread out beneath him. 他仰望树林,梦想自己能爬上去,攀上树顶,让整片树海尽展眼前。
  They were on the far side when they heard the howl, a long rising wail that moved through the trees like a cold wind.  他们抵达对岸时,只听树林里传来一声长嚎,音调渐高,哀叹久长,仿如穿梭林间的一阵冷风。
  Bran raised his head to listen. Summer, he said. No sooner had he spoken than a second voice joined the first. 布兰抬首聆听。那是夏天。他说。话音刚落,第二阵嚎声便加入进来。
  They've made a kill, Robb said as he remounted. I'd best go and bring them back. Wait here, Theon and the others should be along shortly. 他们杀死猎物了。罗柏边说边骑上马。我看我最好去带他们回来。你在这里等,席恩他们应该马上就到。