冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第538期:第二十七章 布兰(10)(在线收听

   I want to go with you, Bran said. 我想跟你一起去。布兰说。

  I'll find them faster by myself. Robb spurred his gelding and vanished into the trees. 我自己去比较快。罗柏一踢马刺,消失在树林里。
  Once he was gone, the woods seemed to close in around Bran.  他走后,整个森林仿佛朝布兰包围过来。
  The snow was falling more heavily now. Where it touched the ground it melted, but all about him rock and root and branch wore a thin blanket of white.  雪下得更大,虽然一碰地面就会融化,但他周遭的岩石、树根和枝干却都覆上了一层薄薄的白。
  As he waited, he was conscious of how uncomfortable he felt.  他等待之时,方才察觉到自己有多不舒服。
  He could not feel his legs, hanging useless in the stirrups, but the strap around his chest was tight and chafing, and the melting snow had soaked through his gloves to chill his hands. He wondered what was keeping Theon and Maester Luwin and Joseth and the rest. 双腿没有知觉,毫无用处地挂在马镫上;胸膛的皮带绑得很紧,擦伤了皮肤;雪水融化渗进手套,冻得他两手发麻。他不禁奇怪席恩、鲁温师傅,以及乔赛斯等人怎么还没来。
  When he heard the rustle of leaves, Bran used the reins to make Dancer turn, expecting to see his friends, but the ragged men who stepped out onto the bank of the stream were strangers. 随后他听见树叶沙沙作响,布兰立刻拉动缰绳,教小舞转身,迎向他的朋友们。然而从林中走到溪边的,却是一群衣着破烂的陌生人。
  Good day to you, he said nervously. One look, and Bran knew they were neither foresters nor farmers. He was suddenly conscious of how richly he was dressed.  你们好。他紧张地说。只需一眼,布兰便知他们既非林务官,亦非农民。他猛然惊觉自己衣着华丽,
  His surcoat was new, dark grey wool with silver buttons, and a heavy silver pin fastened his fur-trimmed cloak at the shoulders.  身上穿着崭新的深灰色羊毛外套,缝了银扣,绒毛边的披风用一个沉甸甸的银别针系在肩头。
  His boots and gloves were lined with fur as well. 他的皮靴和手套也都滚了绒毛边。
  All alone, are you? said the biggest of them, a bald man with a raw windburnt face. Lost in the wolfswood, poor lad. 你,就一个人啊?其中个子最大,满脸风霜痕迹的光头男子说,可怜的小鬼,在狼林里迷了路。