冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第539期:第二十八章 布兰(11)(在线收听

   I'm not lost. Bran did not like the way the strangers were looking at him. He counted four, but when he turned his head, he saw two others behind him. My brother rode off just a moment ago, and my guard will be here shortly. 我没有迷路。布兰不喜欢这群陌生人盯着他瞧的模样。对方一共四人,他一转头看到背后还有两个。我哥哥刚走,我的卫兵马上就来。

  Your guard, is it? a second man said. Grey stubble covered his gaunt face. And what would they be guarding, my little lord? Is that a silver pin I see there on your cloak? 你的卫兵,啊哈?另一个面容憔悴,一脸灰胡碴的人说,小少爷,我倒问问你,他们要守卫什么啊?守卫你披风上那个银别针吗?
  Pretty, said a woman's voice. She scarcely looked like a woman; tall and lean, with the same hard face as the others, her hair hidden beneath a bowl-shaped halfhelm. The spear she held was eight feet of black oak, tipped in rusted steel. 真是个漂亮东西。这次是女人的声音。她看起来委实不太像女人;又高又瘦,和其他人同样的苦脸,头发则埋藏在碗状的半罩头盔下。她手中的长矛是根八尺长的黑橡木棍,前面安着锈掉的枪尖。
  Let's have a look, said the big bald man. 给咱们瞧瞧。光头大汉说。
  Bran watched him anxiously. The man's clothes were filthy, fallen almost to pieces, patched here with brown and here with blue and there with a dark green, and faded everywhere to grey, but once that cloak might have been black.  布兰不安地看着他。这人的衣服肮脏污秽、破烂不堪,东一块棕,西一块蓝,还有一块暗绿补丁,其余的地方则通通褪成灰色,但看得出原本是件黑斗篷。
  The grey stubbly man wore black rags too, he saw with a sudden start.  他突然发现,那个一脸灰胡碴的人也穿着黑色破衣。
  Suddenly Bran remembered the oathbreaker his father had beheaded, the day they had found the wolf pups; that man had worn black as well, and Father said he had been a deserter from the Night's Watch. No man is more dangerous, he remembered Lord Eddard saying.  布兰蓦地想起他们找到小狼当天,被父亲砍头的那个背弃誓言的人,衣着也是黑色,而父亲说他是守夜人部队的逃兵。
  The deserter knows his life is forfeit if he is taken, so he will not flinch from any crime, no matter how vile or cruel. 世间最危险的人莫过于此,他想起艾德公爵的话,因为他们自知一旦被捕,只有死路一条,于是恶向胆边生,再伤天害理的勾当也干得出来。